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Hello families, Welcome to Wednesday in Babies 3.

Our morning began early over in Babies 1. Charlie was our first little friend to arrive, Charlie enjoyed exploring the room and talking to all the little babies. Parker, Halle, and Liz were not far behind. Parkie as always greeted the little babies with cuddles and affection. Charlie and Parker played a game with Miss Vanessa throwing the egg shaker up high and catching it, sharing giggles and laughter together.

We opened the doors and all excitedly ran outside to play. Our babies all looked gorgeous dressed in Orange today to support our SES workers, thank you so much for your gold coin donations. Liz was covering her eyes and playing peek a boo with miss Mel while Charlie, Parker and Halle were saying hi to there toddler friends over the fence and talking to Miss Gabi.

It was time to head over to our yard, everyone was excited the sandpit was open and all our friends jumped straight in, digging and scooping up the sand. Charlie took her dolly friends into the sandpit with her. Charlie held one of the dollies up to Mel saying “Cheese Mel’s” indicating she wanted Mel to take a photo of her dolly.

We ventured back inside to explore our room with toys of choice. All our friends rushed over to magnetic shape. Holding them up high. Miss Vanessa named all the shapes and colours we could see.  Halle found our “Shapes” books on the table with all the different sensory shapes, Parker held one up to her eyes to look through. Parker then decided she would sit in the basket, looking up at her educators giggling.  Halle and Liz spent time playing  with the doll house. Olivia arrived and sat with her friends Charlie, Halle and Parker. Each had their own musical instrument and were making their own music. It was lots of fun.

Today is National Simultaneous Storytime. This years Storytime was called “give me some space” by Phillip Bunting. Miss Mel and Miss Vanessa set up the yard with a space blanket, pillows and paper cup rockets and a toy rocket to set the scene for Storytime. Together with Babies 2 we found our hats and all sat on the mat together with our educators. Using our best concentration and listening skills we listened as Miss Mel read the story. We all loved the rocket!!! Each of us having a turn to investigate. Our favourite part of the story was counting down from 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 BLAST OFF!!!

What a fun morning we have had. It was time to go back inside, clean our room and wash our hands for our yummy lunch. Mel lowered the blinds and played some relaxing music as we all drifted off to sleep.

Thank you for a fun day of exploring, playing, giggling and storytelling.

See you all very soon.

Miss Melinda and Miss Vanessa xxxxx