Hello babies 3 families,

Today was a bit too cold and rainy for a morning play outside so we stayed inside nice and warm. We enjoyed a play in babies 1 first reading books, kicking and rolling balls and having big cuddles to settle in. Then we moved into our room. We played with our safari animal table set up, animal and number puzzles, babies and blocks.

We then had morning tea, today we had homemade custard and fruit crumble. yum yum.

After morning tea while we let our food settle we did a group activity at the table. Miss Jena and pre organised and cut up different coloured shapes and printed a paper template for our matching activity. The children got to glue on the paper and with the cut up shapes matched the colour and shape and glued it on. This was a great activity that all our friends loved.

Then we had free time inside as our yard was still too wet. Ruby, Millie and Indi loved dancing to our Disney songs, Abel had lots of fun in the kitchen area and playing with our animals on the table and Orion explored the puzzles. we also enjoyed our doctor equipment, bouncing on the donkeys and reading books. But the most favourite today was bringing in the tunnel, all children laughed and scrambled through the tunnel together.

It was then time for lunch. Today for lunch we had pumpkin soup and bread dip with veggies. After lunch we were ready for a big rest.

This afternoon we will enjoy yummy afternoon tea before a big play.

Thanks for a lovely day today babies 3.

Love from Miss Jelena and Miss Talia