07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Good afternoon Dear Families and Friends, welcome to Babies 3 room!

We started our morning by enjoying free play in a room while we waited for morning tea. After we finished our delicious morning tea, children spreads around to enjoy play with their Educators. Ruby, Orion, Edward, Jackson and Indi practiced some dance with Miss Dom. First they were dancing ballet, then they danced on the popular hip hop, then they end up to listen some relaxing music. It was nice to see how they all get involved to show their movements and walk on tipi toes like ballerinas. While they enjoyed to learn about different music and dance Miss Jena set up painting at the table and one by one come to the table to paint Christmas art. Ruby asked Miss Dom to read Snow White story for her and Miss Dom took the book and all children followed her to the book corner and seat to listen the story, looks like a routine every time when Miss Dom comes to our room, very cute.

Play outdoor is always fun and our little friends spent some time outdoors enjoying sand pit play, rock on  see-saw, ride bikes chasing bubbles. After yummy lunch all our friends are having rest now to get more energy for our afternoon activities. We had a  great day!

Love Miss Talia, Miss Dom & Miss Jena xx