Hello families, welcome to Wednesday in Babie’s 3,

This morning we welcomed Isla, Valencia, Matthew, Bella, Shayaan, Jhye, Parker, Oskar and Grayson with lots of cuddles as they settled into their learning environment. Today Oskar joined us for another fun transition day.

Our morning began outside in the yard as we welcomed our friends. Jhye and Oskar spent lots of time over on the car mat, pushing the cars around, Jhye also did some climbing with his friend Isla. Up and over the arch and the wooden bridge, following one another. It wasn’t long before Jhye found his favourite toy in the yard, the lawn mower, he began pushing it up and over the soft block obstacle course.

We headed inside for some free play before morning tea. Oskar and Isla were engaged in play over in home corner. Using their imaginations by placing the play food under the sink and putting the food into the pots and pans. Valencia and Olivia also joined in. Jhye and Shayaan were over at the animal table, they sat down and Jhye was holding the cow. Miss Mel asked Jhye what sound a cow makes? Jhye replied “Moo!” in a big loud voice.

Jhye, Oskar and Olivia then decided that all the fake plants were to be moved around the room. At first Jhye placed Jhye placed the large plant back to where we normally keep it, he then decided it should go up on top of the lockers, Oskar and Olivia then went in search for the other plants in our rooms and they lined them upside by side.

Today, Bella, Parker, Olivia, and Valencia headed over to Toddlers 1 for another transition day. We said goodbye to our little friends, and we welcomed Oskar from Babies 2 and Grayson from Babies 1. This is Grayson’s very first transition play with us in babies’ 3. He enjoyed exploring both his new indoor and outdoor learning environment and headed back to Babie’s1 for lunch and a sleep.

We all sat on the mat with Miss Otavia as it was time for morning tea. We sung ‘Bee, bee bumble bee”. As we said or tried our very best to say our names, we stood up one at a time to wash our hands and sit down for morning tea. Today we enjoyed avocado chocolate slice.

Extending on how much our babies enjoyed making cupcakes for Parker’s birthday on Monday we planned a sensory activity using kinetic sand and cupcake patties so our babies could explore through their imagination by making their own cupcakes, molding, squishing, rolling the kinetic sand into balls, using their fine motor.

Matthew Oskar, Jhye and Isla enjoyed the feeling of the kinetic sand through their fingers, pressing it and placing it into the patties. Shayaan wasn’t too sure about how it felt, with some encouragement Shayaan soon was engaged in play. Kinetic sand play helps Improve fine motor skills and encourages creative thinking.

We welcomed Grayson over to explore his new learning environment. He loved the fine motor activities, especially the pop up toy, demonstrating how clever he is at pushing the levers down. Shayaan and Isla joined in while Matthew was looking through the colourful sensory blocks. Grayson also investigated the dolls corner, climbing into the dolls bed. It was then time to head out and explore the yard.

We ventured back outside. Grayson enjoyed climbing across the wooden bridge and playing on top of the covered sandpit. Isla pulled a soft block over the steering wheel and using her imagination sat on it and began driving, beep beep!! Isla also enjoyed going up and down the slide. Jhye was pushing the farmers tractor around the yard and Oskar was holding both the watering cans, so we filled them up and gave the plants a little drink. Shayaan was pulling up and pushing the fire engine around the yard. Matthew was running along the soft block obstacle course.

For group time today we all sat together outside on the mat, Miss Mel read “Dear Zoo”. All our friends used their best listening ears as Mel read along. We enjoyed looking for the animals on each page, taking turns to find them.  After the story we sung “if your happy and you know it”, “Open shut them” and “Incy Wincy spider” Matthew and Jhye enjoyed doing the actions to Incy Wincy and stomping during if your happy and you know it. Oskar, Isla, Shayaan swayed along as Mel sung.

It was time for our transition song to wash our hands for lunch and rest time. Miss Mel began to sing “Bumble bee” this is a name recognition song.  Once we say or attempt to say our name, we took turns meeting Miss Lias in the bathroom where she was waiting to assist us washing our hands. We then walked over and sat at the table for our yummy lunch. Today was Italian mushroom, ricotta, salmon, spinach lasagne.

After we finished our lunch some of us enjoyed our bottles on the pillows before laying on our mattress, drifting off to sleep to some soft relaxing music.

Our afternoon play was child led with outdoor experiences

Thank you for a wonderful day babies and once again we are so excited to have Oskar and Grayson join us as part of our Babies’ 3 family.

See you all very soon.

Miss Melinda and Miss Otavia xxxxx