Hello families, welcome Tuesday in Babies’ 3,
Today we welcomed Winston, Isla, Matthew, Valencia, Parker, Olivia, Bella and Adeleine with lots of cuddles as they settled for the morning.
Our morning began outside exploring the yard while waiting all our friends arrive. Miss Tati blew some bubbles for us to run after and pop them all. Parker, Bella got turns in the slide climbing up and sliding down. Winston had fun pushing the walking troller around the yard colleting all the balls. It was time to head back inside and wash our hands for morning tea. Today we had Rawsome Avocado Chocolate Slice.
Bella and Valencia, using their imagination pretended a piece of the wooden rainbow was a telephone by holding it up to her ear. Valencia began chatting to “mummy: she then passed the phone to Miss Otavia who told mummy what a fun morning Valencia was having. Bella also engaged with the dolls. She took a baby doll placed on the cushion and pretended she was giving a bottle to the baby. Olivia and Isla engaged in a role play at the home corner while Parker was feeding a baby in the highchair. Winston was having fun talking over the phone with his daddy then Adeleine came close and he put the phone in her ear.
Parker and Valencia took turns on the spinning toy. Demonstrated their hand/eye coordination and concentration skills as they placed each coloured ring on top, watching each one spin around and around till it reached the bottom. Meanwhile Adeleine was very concentrated playing with the pop up shapes to see what was behind.
Today Miss Otavia set up a table with playdough, shapes, wood sticks, scissor, and a roller. When Miss Otavia invited us to play, we all got very excited. We sat around the table, and everyone got a different shape to start. Winston and Valencia decided to play with the scissor using their eye-coordination skills to cut the playdough. Matthew liked to use the roller to spread the dough. Isla and Adeleine enjoyed playing with the wood stick and Bella, Parker and Olivia enjoyed the shapes trying all the different ones. Miss Otavia asked, “who wants to make a ball?” and everyone yelled “yeaaahh”. Then, she helped us to make our own little balls using our both hands and moving around. It was so fun.
After our activity, we ventured outside for a short time to explore. Wow the sandpit was popular again, we just loved making castles with Miss Denise, digging and scooping up the sand, especially filling up the buckets. Winston and Parker enjoyed the dinosaur seesaw moving very fast forward and backward. Isla and Bella were sharing a soft block. They sat together and started bouncing and giggling to each other. Matthew was having fun with the horse bouncy. He was jumping on top of it and pretending he was falling. With a lot of giggles, he repeated a few times.
Today’s group time we sat with Miss Lais outside to sing some of our favourite nursery rhymes. We sung “Baby shark” as Bella’s request, Head, shoulder, knees and toes”, and “Wheels on the bus”. We did all the actions together. It was time to clean up for lunch. We sat by the door with Miss Lais for the “bumble bee” song to wash our hands where Miss Denise was waiting to assist us while washing our hands. We then walked over and sat down for our yummy lunch with Moreish Italiana Mushroom, Ricotta, Spinach lasagne.
After we finished our lunch some of us enjoyed our bottles on the pillows before laying on our mattress, drifting off to sleep to some soft relaxing music. After we relaxed our bodies, we will be enjoying our afternoon tea with Sweet Pea and Smashed Avocado Dip with Pita Crispies then our afternoon play is child led with outdoor experiences.
Thursday 9th September is: R U OK? DAY – Our National Day of Action dedicated to reminding everyone to ask, “Are you OK?” and to remember every day of the year to support people who may be struggling with life’s ups and downs.
PS: We are having trouble uploading photos. They will be printed out and put on the wall just next to Babie’s 3 door on the left hand side.
Miss Otavia and Miss Denise. xxxxx