Good afternoon to all our families and happy Friyay! We hope you have all had a wonderful week! We have had such a beautiful day! This morning we welcomed our birthday girl, Zelia who turned 1 today! We also said good morning to Larsson, Jordan and Kyla. We started our morning combined outside with babies two and three, with Miss Otavia, Miss Mel, Miss Tatiane and Miss Jessica. Once Miss Crystal arrived, we ventured indoors to change our nappies and go to sleep while Kyla went and had her school photos done. Kyla then enjoyed some one to one time with Miss Shae, engaging in tummy time building her neck strength ready for when she is ready to roll and sit up.
For group time today, we were outside in the verandah area, we had the “Happy Birthday” song playing while our friends clapped along and we sang to Zelia. We then put on some songs and danced together and found some shakers and rattles to play along with to the music. We really enjoyed having the doors open again today and moving freely inside and outside of the classroom. Outside Larsson, was often found standing up at the fence engaging in conversation with the children from the toddler’s room. He also displayed a lot of interest in practising his walking, finding Miss Crystal and pulling himself up using her legs, then reaching for her, waiting for her hands to grip onto and with her move around the room walking. Inside, Jordan has been loving playing with the peg board and pegs, stacking them into the holes on the peg board and then finding a maraca and realising it fits in the peg, using his hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills he would try to fir the maraca end into the peg. Kyla loves being outside in the fresh air and seeing what all the children around her are doing and listening to them play. She thoroughly enjoyed laying on the mat looking around and often getting a snuggle and a giggle with either Miss Shae or Miss Crystal. Zelia went for visit to the toddler one room today as she had shown a great interest in the dance class that was going on. She enjoyed moving her body with the other children and practising her limbo skills as she would make her way under the limbo stick. After a very quiet and productive morning we went inside and enjoyed some lunch before engaging in some more spontaneous play. Jordan and Larsson enjoyed moving around the room following one another and having their own conversation.
This afternoon we will continue finishing our dot artworks before venturing outside and engaging in more child led play. When it cools down we will then combine with our other babies rooms.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend with your families and can’t wait to see you all again next week!
Much love,
Miss Crystal and Miss Shae xx