Hey everyone, Happy Thursday!
This morning we welcomed Zelia and Dorijan. We enjoyed saying good morning and playing with our friends from the other babies rooms and with Miss Hansani and Miss Mel. When Miss Crystal arrived she had big cuddles for us and we headed into our room. Soon after we welcomed Oliver. We had a very quiet and slow morning as we only had three friends, we were on the mat and enjoyed talking and playing with one another. All three friends enjoyed playing with the mirrors on the mat, looking at their reflections and having their own chats. Zelia and Dorijan both enjoyed playing with the dolls, giving them cuddles and moving around the room with them. Oliver is becoming very confident with his crawling and was following the other two friends around trying to keep up with them and what they were doing.
We had group time on the mat, singing Bee Bee Bumble Bee, saying our names and continuing to learn and recognise both our own and our friends names. After this we moved to the table and had morning tea. For morning tea we enjoyed Creamy Pear Quinoa Porridge with fresh bananas. Our friends were encouraged to use their self feeding skills and use their spoons to eat their porridge, Oliver has been encouraged to hold the spoon during meal time, to introduce him to cutlery, he also self feed with the banana, learning the texture and moving it to his mouth.
During the day we enjoyed some scented playdough play, now introducing our friends to their sense of smell in a fun, hands on and engaging learning opportunity. Our friends were unsure of the playdough and we reassured them it was okay by demonstrating holding and squeezing it in our hand, soon enough they became more curious and started to feel it in their own hands and hold it to their noses to smell it like Miss Crystal showed us. Outside, Oliver loved crawling around the yard and following his friends and crawling and climbing on the wooden furniture. Dorijan loved jumping on the bouncy horse. Zelia played with the activity table. It was a lovely day outside.
For lunch today we continued our self feeding skills and enjoyed some Roast Vegie, Avocado and Pesto grills with a fresh side of salad. After lunch our friends had their sleeps and as the woke we went back outside to enjoy the fresh air. In the afternoon we will play outside and continue to explore with the playdough until it becomes to cool then we will come inside. For afternoon tea we are having Amazing Golden Chocolate Beetroot Brownies with fresh fruit.
Have a lovely afternoon!
Lots of love,
Miss Crystal and Miss Shae