Friday 27th March 2020
Welcome to a very HAPPY FRIDAY with both the Babies 1 and Babies 3 rooms combined today with all our friends alongside Miss Kate and Miss Jelena. 😊 After our morning teas in our separate rooms to begin our routine we enjoyed some fruit salad, yogurt and oats to set us up for a busy day ahead. 😊 The children responded really well to a free flow program of inside/outside play choosing where they would like to explore. Bella, Millie and Miller especially loved time in the sandpit to explore the buckets, spades and the feel of the sand between our toes! Miller and Lara sat contently alongside one another checking out the different rattles and musical toys in the basket Miss Kate set up for us. 😊 Miss Jelena took a few children at a time to participate in dot paintings using the cotton buds and messy paints this morning which they were all eager to make an individual masterpiece. 😊 Other activities included all of the children self-selecting the sensory rattles from our shelves to make music which gave us lots of smiles of excitement, especially from Miller and Edward today. 😊 Peyton continues to hit her developmental milestones goals with the super cute waving and clapping her hands which you can tell she is very proud of herself! Miss Kate and Miss Jelena sang lots of favourite nursery rhymes to our children today, beginning with our ‘Acknowledgment of Country.’ 😊 It is wonderful to see some of our children learning the actions to some of favourite songs –
‘Twinkle, little star.’
‘Open, shut them.’
‘If you’re happy and you know it.’
‘Old Mac Donald had a farm.’
Have a wonderful weekend one and all and stay safe most importantly. 😊
Miss Kate and Miss Jelena. XOXO