Good Afternoon and welcome Friday in Babies One ♥
Today our friends Zelia, Larsson, Jordan, Kyla, Fletcher and Bentley arrived they were greeted by warm cuddles and smiles Miss Mel, Miss Narni and later by Miss Shae. Before they headed into the room for group time, morning tea and to begin our own individual routines and activities.
Today our Friends explored fast and slow rhythmic beats to and moved there body freely and expressively to the Piccolo. WE Sang “Sing a Rainbow”, “If you happy and you know it”, “Row your Boat” and much more, We explored our inside/ outside surroundings, forming bonds with our new educators and having A LOT of one on one time and small group play.
Our friends all followed their own individual sleep routines as best as they could! We endeavor to follow each child’s home routine in whatever way we can
As the afternoon comes, we will enjoy some more inside/ outside play . We will have Fun exploring the room and following up on our own interest through our curiosity Our friends will have the opportunity to engage in contemporary dance, moving their bodies freely and expressively to different Slow and fast beats.
we hope you have a lovely weekend
Warm embrace Miss Narni, Miss Shae and Miss Tennille xx