Good afternoon everyone! Happy Friday! We are looking forward to seeing and meeting some of the dads, father figures and important people in our babies lives this afternoon. This morning Miss Crystal and Miss Shae welcomed our friends Larsson, Bentley, Fletcher, Kyla, Shayaan, Zelia and Jordan with lots of cuddles. Our morning started off with the usual routine of getting ready for our morning sleeps. And enjoying morning tea as we woke up.
Today’s group time was all of us coming together on the mat and having a dance and sing along. Our friends absolutely love music and moving their bodies to the rhythm of songs. So, we all came together and enjoyed some quick music to dance along too and some slower music. This was lots of fun and it was a great transition before heading off to our sleeps.
Today we continued finishing up our Father’s Day gifts. Our friends enjoyed painting and exploring their senses to create something special for their loved ones. Today we opted to paint using our hands and fingers to create their masterpiece with their hands. We are very excited for you all to see their special gifts! We spent majority of our day playing inside, we have absolutely loved playing with the musical instruments and the big wooden stacking rings. Our friends have been enhancing their gross motor development and working on their milestones such as walking, balancing, standing and neck strength. The activity centre table is still a big hit with our children as we love standing and walking around it while holding onto it for support. Also providing our smaller children, Kyla, with tummy time as she has an interest in sitting up and observing the environment around her, so tummy time allows her to build her neck strength for this milestone while also watching the world around her. We ventured outside after lunch as the rain had cleared up and the ground wasn’t wet anymore. Outside we enjoyed pushing the push toys up and down the yard while learning turn taking and sharing. We also loved when Miss Crystal pulled out the bubbles. We all watched as the bubbles floated around the air and would either reach out and pop them, clap them to pop them or wait till they landed on the ground and either popped them with our hands or feet.
We have had a lovely day filled with lots of cuddles, fun and laughter and can’t wait to do it all again next week.
Lots of love,
Miss Crystal and Miss Shae xx