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We have had a great day in Babies one today!! Indiana and Chester spent the morning in Babies 2 with Miss Hansani and Miss Tatianne. They did so well, it was a very smooth and happy transition. They enjoyed morning tea, their first nap time and lunch in their!! Well done friends! After coming back to Babies 1 after lunch they did a beautiful Ocean and Sand painting with Fletcher, Shayaan, and Franka for World Ocean Day that was on Tuesday. We have begun putting their paintings up on the wall, they look so beautiful. The children really enjoyed doing this activity. It involved a lot of sensory and fine motor development. Some of the children liked holding the paint brush whilst others preferred using their hands. Putting the sand on the paper was a good experience for their Fine Motor skills as they were picking up the sand in their fingers/hands and putting it onto the paper. They really loved this art experience and would laugh when Miss T’arn showed them the sand and put their hands inside the bucket filled with sand.

We also enjoyed playing outside on the climbing equipment, playing with the balls, practicing standing and pulling ourselves up onto things. The children were all so happy and content when exploring the outdoor space. Miss Otavia was singing “row row your boat” and Franka was dancing along while playing with the dolly.

Hope you all have an amazing and safe weekend!!

♥ Much Love Always, Miss T’arn and Miss Otavia ♥