😊Good afternoon to all our families and welcome to another Fun Friday in babies one😊
This morning our friends Fletcher, Bentley, Zélia, Larsson, Matilda and Kyla  were happily greeted with warm embraces and kind greetings by Miss Mel and Miss Otavia who settled us in for an activity filled day. As we wait for Miss Shae and Miss Jin to arrive and for us to head inside for nappy changes, hand washing, Morning tea and rest time for our friends who needed it,
What a wonderful day we have had inside and outside with our friend today to end the week with lots of laughter, cuddles, a few tears and a lot of FUN!
inside and Outside, on the verandah we continued with our upper body strength as we climb up onto the ladder that is connected to the ramp for us to walk up to reach the A frame where Larsson excitedly climbed up all by himself to then vocalize that he was atop if the ladder, happily posing for a photo before getting helped down so Larsson could do it all again before heading to the walking frame to practice taking some large steps towards the blankets and cushions in front of the glass doors.
Making LOADS of noise with different instruments with Fletcher, as we headed outside fletcher found a large mixing bowl that he would carry around tapping it onto different objects around the yard from the wooden toy box, the green bridge then the most popular object The fence! As fletcher stretches his left arm out as he drags the bowl along the fence all while smiling as the sound gets louder and louder until he reached Miss Shae at the fence expressing a large grin and sounding out a large laugh almost falling backwards with joy before getting cuddles and was offered a blue tambourine to shake until fletcher ventured inside to play.
Bentley  has loved exploring the outdoors today, taking to all our friends from toddlers one and wo through the fence, as we sit together talking to each other and throwing balls over the fence to each other, as the older children throw the ball and Bentley runs to collect the ball and throw it back over the fence, continuing this for a while until heading inside to head to sleep.
Kyla today has been continuing on with her tummy time, reaching out to toys in front of her to play with. Miss Shae placed a mirror in front of Kyla to see what her reaction would be, at first Kyla expressed shock and got a bit upset, but after comfort was given Miss Shae sat Kyla on her lap and showed the mirror again. This time kyla’s reaction was of happy emotion, smiling at herself in the mirror as she reaches out to grab the object and push her face super close and pushes her nose into the glass before dropping it and was offered a bottle before heading to bed
Matilda has shown strong interests in the books today, carrying around a book and passing it to educators to read along side her, as we flip through pages as Matilda touches and feels the different textures and making different sounds as we point out the animals in the Australian animal sensory book.
Zélia has continued playing and exploring the new trucks introduced yesterday, pushing the cart too and fro, sitting on one cart while pushing the one in front of her until she slides off and hops back onto the other one to swap directions until it was time to wash up for lunch and group time.
This afternoon we will continue playing outside and engaging in more child led play. When it cools down we will then combine in our room with all of our friends before getting collected for our weekends.
We wish you all a safe and fun filled weekend and we cannot wait to hear all your adventures next week.
♥♥Love Miss Shae and Miss Jin ♥♥