07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Monday 16th March 2020.

Welcome to another wonderful week today we welcomed Edward, Rosie, Oliver, Peyton and our new friend Parker.

Today we started our morning outside with our friends from the other babies rooms which was a lovely way to start the day. Exploring the balls and the sandpit and playing with our friends. We had a wonderful day today we did some handprints with our friends for our harmony day celebrations, this can be found on our front door and we will be adding to this everyday this week.

Edward is really loving our formula tin drums he thinks they r just wonderful. Edward participated in our harmony day hand print mural which can be found on our front door.

Rosie loved playing with our variety of dolls we have in the room today giving them lots of cuddles and kisses and even giving them a sponge bath. Rosie participated in our hand print mural which can be found on our front door.

Oliver really loves exploring our musical toys shaking them and seeing how much noise he can make. Oliver is enjoying showing off some more of his walking skills to his friends and showing how strong he is becoming. Oliver participated in our harmony day collage today which can be found on our front door.

Peyton is loving her time in our book nook, she spends a lot of time there playing with the books and giving us lots of smiles as she points at all the things in the books. Peyton participated in our Harmony day handprints as well as our Autumn collage which can be found on our wall beside our family tree.

Parker had a wonderful first day exploring the room and all her new friends. She really loved the stand-up bouncer we have in the room, she definitely found her voice in here making lots of sounds as she jumped up and down. Parker participated in our Autumn collage which can be found on our wall beside our family tree.

Thanks for another wonderful day

Miss Kate and Miss Amanda.
