♦Good afternoon to all our families and welcome to another Amazing Monday♥
We hope that everyone had had a wonderful and relaxing weekend with family and friends. We have had such a beautiful day with our friends Jordan, Thomas, Tommy, Zelia, Matilda and Fletcher. This morning as our friends started to arrive they were welcomed out in the babies one verandah by Miss Shae, Miss Tatiane, Miss Mel as we combined outside with babies two and three until it was time to bid goodbye to our friends In B2&3 and we ventured indoors to change our nappies, sleep for our morning sleepers and Morning tea for our friends awake before heading back outside to enjoy the fresh air and pop bubbles.
Our group times today consisted of a lot of movement songs, encouraging the group to mirror each move sung by educators, Thomas was making lots of noise as he sat on miss Jins lap and Tommy smiling away as we shout HOORAYY at the ending of if your happy and you know it! As our group tome continue Miss Shae heard a loud “ROARR” looking around to see what it was and here Jordan turns around with a happy grin roaring so loud as he holds up a Dinosaur book that he collected from the shelves before bringing it back to us to read. As the group time come to completion we sang our transition song to individually proceed to the bathroom to wash hands for our meal
Today’s activity Inside we continued with our coloured ice painting, this time with our own naturally coloured paint. Using fresh strawberries and blueberries that we mulled on Friday and placed into food safe ice trays with cooled boiled water and some popsicle sticks before placing them in the freezer for our enjoyment today. Using our hand eye coordination, gripping skills, imagination and also enhancing our senses Jordan, Fletcher, Matilda, Thomas and Tommy took in turns to complete this activity. At the beginning all the children were unsure of the activity until Miss Jin and Shae showed our friends what to do and then it was a wonderful experience had by Jordan, Matilda and Fletcher. Jordan was not phased with the activity until he began to suck on the mixture while pulling a facial reaction of shocked and then laughed and painted the paper before attempting to taste the cube realizing it was better to be eaten then to be used as paint. Matilda didn’t like to touch the cube for a bit until she saw a puddle of water developing on the table below the mixture before lifting it up and splashing the water and throwing the item away with a large grin. Fletcher felt the coolness of the ice and pushed himself away from the activity and wondered off to the green mat where he continued to play with the large green ball throwing it until the ball was close to the table where he saw it again and tried to do the activity again was not phased with it. After our friends completed their activity and were cleaned up to venture off to play in the indoor and outdoor spaces to play with Thomas and Tommy outside. Thomas has settled in so much and has been a very happy, cuddly friend to all, giving lots of cuddles to our teachers and friends in the babies room, playing with the A Frame Animals reaching out to shake the rattles and talking really loudly with himself as he watches his reflection during tummy time. Tommy has been forming bonds with educators and new friends in Babies one as we encourage self-selective play as tommy threads the beads through the activity Centre, rolling the cars , shaking the maracas and enhances his sitting and clapping skills
This afternoon we will be venturing back outside and engaging in more child led play. When it cools down we will then combine in babies two room with all of our friends before getting collected for the evening
we hope you enjoy your evening
♦Miss Shae and Miss Jin ♦