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Happy Monday everyone!! We hope you all had a great weekend!

We have had a beautiful day in our Babies One room today! We had a lot of indoor play as the weather has been wet. The children enjoyed exploring the classroom and finding their favorite activities.

Franka enjoyed playing with the stacking cups and cuddling our soft baby dolls. She has been chatting away to herself as she plays today!

Chester enjoyed tapping on the drum as it made a loud noise. Also enjoyed throwing the balls then chasing after it.

Jordan was excited playing with the shakers from the musical instruments, also enjoyed trying to pass the ball to his educator.

Fletcher loved reading book with his friends and educator, as they each looking at the pictures and became excited to see all the different animals.

After morning tea, Chester, Franka and Fletcher could enjoy the handprint painting for Harmony week.

Also, this week we are going to start our activities for Easter. We are excited to see all our babies art.

♥ Much Love, Miss Otavia ♥