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Good Afternoon all lovely families,

Today in Babies one we welcomed Oskar, Oliver, Parker, Peyton, Olive and Charlie. Today has been a fantastic Monday. While waiting for our friends to arrive we had free play inside. We explore home corner and played with the dolls but also tried to complete. Once all our friends arrived it was time for morning tea, so Miss Hansani was singing a song as we washed our hands and sat at the table.

After having some yummy yogurt and fruit it was time to explore inside before going outside on a little adventure. While inside we explored the bugs, soft block, train set and home corner. It was intriguing for most as they all got to express their emotions and interest while having free play inside. This also allowed children to learn to share with friends and understand the concept.

Later it was time to adventure off to the small yard which had bikes, jungle gym, hoola hoops, and 3D soft shapes. We also had a fun time in the yard as Babies 2 came to join us. All the children were engaged with all the activities around them and this allowed the children to extend on sharing with other. Once exploring outside it was time to come inside but before having lunch Miss Jess had setup the chalk board for us to use. It was lots of fun! Our hands did not understand how to hold the chalk, but we tried our best and made some colourful drawings on the board.

This afternoon Miss Jess will put the board outside for us to use as we can draw what we see outside and make a wonderful drawing for everyone to see.  We will also continue to explore the jungle gym and play with some soft blocks outside.

Miss Hansani and Miss Jess😊