♥Good afternoon and happy Monday to you all♥
And welcome to another beautiful day to begin our photo week here at RELC. This morning as our friends Zelia, Franka, Jordan, Matilda and Thomas slowly arrived and welcomed with warm embrace by miss Shae and Miss Jin inside our room as we also welcome our amazing parents back into our classroom environment. As our friends were dropped off and said farewell we ventured outside onto the verandah to engage with our friends from B2 and B3 before more educators arrived and we ventured back inside to play and explore before Zelia, Jordan and Matilda went down for their morning slumber and Thomas and Franka continued to play until our morning tea was delivered and we transitioned to morning tea
For group time today Franka began singing twinkle twinkle little star while sitting on Miss Shae’s lap before we recited our ode to country and read some new books that were where’s My DINOSAUR? As we flip through pages touching and feeling the different textures of the dinosaur feet, or the sharp jagged teeth of the shark that swims below and the lumpy bumpy crocodile, as Miss Shae calls out the different animal for Franka to recite before flipping the volcano to revealed our dinosaur ad Franka roars loudly then laughs. Before reading another dinosaur book called NEVER touch the dinosaur as we search for the five dinosaurs on the pages. Before Matilda, Jordan and Thomas awoke and joined in with the group time, singing incy wincy, row row row your boat and five green turtles before we transitioned to lunch and rest time for Franka and outside play for Thomas, Matilda and Jordan.
Today inside to continue on with our sensory drawings from last week Miss Jin and Miss Shae sat around the table with Jordan, Franka, Matilda and Thomas to create a group messy play drawing/ art work , encouraging each of our friends to use their imagination, , had eye coordination and team work all while heightening our touch receptors and senses to create our group collaborative art work. Using different textured paints, sand, paddle pop sticks, leaves and our hands to get all dirty and messy. Jordan and Matilda expressed their enjoyment of the activity as they fully immerse themselves covering their faces, hands and body with huge grins as they squish the glitter paint, sand, paint sticks and leaves all over the cardboard until we cleaned up and ventured off to play. Franka was at the beginning hesitant to participate but as the activity began and she saw her friends having fun she picked up the blue paint stick and began to draw all over the carboard, table and up her hand before she pushed herself away from the table to get cleaned up and ventured off to another activity inside.
As we soak up the suns rays outside on the verandah our friends enjoyed crawling through the green tunnel shouting boo at Miss Shae and Miss Jin and our friends, climbing up the A frame, showing our new skills and mile stones with our walking and balancing on the green bridge, reading books on the rug, popping balloons and playing with the musical instruments and enjoying the quiet one on one opportunities with Franka after her sleep as we sit on the brown rug together to stack up all the different coloured and shaped toggles into the white tray as we see how many blocks could make the tower before it tumbled down, as each block is assembled calling out the corresponding colour. Thomas and Miss Jin siting together on the grey rug sitting under the A frame as Thomas shows large smiles. Jordan having A lot of snuggles while Miss Shae sings nursery rhymes and Matilda enjoying the quiet time strengthening her new skill walking in between miss Jin and Miss Shae giving lots of smiles and large warm cuddles.
Our friends all followed their own individual sleep routines as best as they could! We endeavour to follow each child’s home routine in whatever way we can,
This afternoon we will continue playing outside on the verandah until it begins to cool down and we head inside to play with our friends in Babies two room
Please rug up in the mornings as its quiet cold before the sun comes out. Please remember to label all your items, and could we please have spare warm clothes! 😊
Love Miss Shae and Miss Jin