Thursday 19th March 2020.

Another wonderful sunny day today which we spent another day doing lots of indoor/outdoor activities which the kids are absolutely loving, This morning we spent some time outside with Miss Kate playing in the sandpit, playing with our musical rattles and some balls outside which was a lovely way to spend our morning.

We came inside for morning tea and did our acknowledgement of country with our children today, they are all beginning to recognise the hand gestures and are following along with us. We also continued today with our harmony day collage which can be found on the front door with Scarlett and Olive today. The collage is coming along nicely and we almost have all of our children’s hand prints on it now. Harmony day celebrates Australia’s cultural diversity, It’s all about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. This really resonates with us and the values we like to instil in this room.

Bentley and Bella really loved the sandpit today using the sieves, buckets and spades to transfer the sand where they wanted it to go. Peyton and parker were really enjoying the rattles outside, shaking them and laughing and smiling at the noises they were creating, was lovely to see our new friend parker settling in so well and making some lovely friendships already. Scarlett was really practicing her walking today getting stronger and faster every single day.

This afternoon we did some spontaneous singing with our kids which they all really enjoyed at Miss Kate and Miss Amanda sang “open shut them” and “if your happy and you know it”. It was a lovely day with our babies one class today and we look forward to tomorrow.

Much love Miss Kate & Miss Amanda
