In the Morning Miss T’arn and Miss Danica welcomed Jordan, Dorijan, Grayson, Oliver, Bentley, Charles, and our new friend Larsson. It was a smooth transition for Larsson today. He settled very quickly and began exploring the room with the other children. Once our friends arrived, we separated into our classroom to get ready to start the day!
For our group time today, Miss Jade sat on the mat with some of the children and was making noises with her hands and mouth. Dorijan, Grayson, and Larsson were smiling and giggling at Miss Jade making those funny noises. Dorijan was trying to copy Miss Jade by tapping his hand against his mouth and saying “aaaahhh.” Larsson was so content laying in Miss Jade’s lap, looking up at her and smiling as she showed them different sounds she could make. Charles and Bentley were on the other mat with Miss T’arn who was singing “head, shoulders, knees, and toes” whilst pointing to each body part. They were smiling and laughing. Today’s small group times were very spontaneous today, but the children really enjoyed them.
For today’s sensory activity, we did edible sand!! Made from crushed biscuits and crackers. Miss Shae organised this fun activity for us to do today. Miss T’arn put the edible sand on the table and invited the children to come and look. Dorijan was the first one at the table and was so excited for the edible sand. He was brushing his hands all in it and rubbing it all over his face and hair. He then put some in his mouth, he realised the sand was yummy and continued to eat it. Bentley also joined us at the table, rubbing his hands in the sand and smiling. He put a little bit in his mouth. Charles came to the table and after observing Dorijan, he began to play in the sand and taste it. He made sounds like “mmmmm” while he ate some. Grayson was so excited when he came to the table. He tried to lay on the table in the edible sand and play. He used his hands and mouth to explore the sand play. Jordan made his way over to the table to see what we were doing. He got to the table and stood up. He began to touch the sand, but his face made a funny expression when he felt the texture of the sand. He had a little taste before deciding he wasn’t very interested in this activity today and went back to exploring the classroom. Oliver was practising his rocking on his hands and knees on the mat. Miss T’arn sat beside him, and he gave her a big cheeky smile. He then tried really hard to move his body over to Miss T for a cuddle. After allowing Oliver to try for a little bit, she picked him up for a cuddle. Miss T and Oliver sat together on the mat and enjoyed a little snuggle and singing “twinkle twinkle little star” and “row row your boat.” Oliver loves doing row row, he likes when we hold his hands and rock him back and forth. He always giggles.
Have a wonderful evening!
♥ Much Love Always, Miss T’arn and Miss Otavia ♥