♦ Good Afternoon to all our families ♦
This morning our friends Grayson, Fletcher, Bentley, Zèlia and Oliver were happily greeted with warm embraces and kind greetings to settle us in for an activity filled day. As our friends settle in we enjoyed some free play inside and out on the verandah before coming inside to change nappies and said good night to and Bentley as they went down for their morning sleep and Grayson, Oliver, Zelia and Fletcher sat together to begin our morning group time before washing hands and had our Yummy morning tea.
Today has been an inside/outside day for us all with planned learning spaces that are focused on each individual child’s interests, from climbing equipment and crawling tunnel for our mobile friends, quiet books on the mat surrounded by cushions, encouraging everyone as we exercise and continue strengthening our bodies in complex and challenging ways and enhance our gross motor skills as we climb the ladder on the A-Frame or ascended the ramp and bridge or crawling very fast through the tunnel shouting out as they reach the end. Our book area was enjoyed as a more quiet space to have down time with our educators, flip and look through the books while also having stories read to us.
Inside this morning Miss Nads came for a visit to our room to give us some wonderful new ride on carts for our room to play with. as soon as the carts hit the ground Grayson and Zelia were so excited to immerse themselves with the carts, pulling the seat off and filling the tray full of different sized blocks and stacking toys to then push the cart to the other side of the room and back with large smiles on their faces. As soon as Grayson returned to the mat Miss Shae helped Grayson put the seat cover back on and sat Grayson and Zèlia on top and slowly rolled them to see what their reaction was.
At the beginning Grayson expressed concern with the motion but once stopped and Grayson stood up again he sat himself down to go for a ride, using his leg muscles to go as fast as he could until he was stopped by the rug to then divert the cart and ride around. Zèlia on the other hand once pushed had a very large grin on her face as she lifted her legs up as she rolled right to the mountain of cushions and reversed back to Miss Jin to push her again, this happened a few more times before her friends took over pushing her around the room until Zèlia had enough and ventured off to the stacker blocks and Bentley had a turn, with one hand leant on the cart Bentley walked beside the cart furthering his standing and walking skills happily stopping for a photo and to be redirected away from the table before he got stuck.
After Fletcher and Oliver woke up and had their lunch Miss Jin sat with both boys to see what they would do. Miss Jin placed Oliver on top of the cart and slowly rolled the cart to see how oliver would react, at first he was shocked but as he was slowly pushed forward a little more there was a big grin on his face as Jin continued to slowly push him around the table and back to the mat before he slid off and crawled off to go outside to play. As soon as Fletcher was sat on the cart there was no stopping him going around the room, pushing his cart with his lower body muscles and a HUGEE smile until fletcher got off and headed outside to pop bubbles and engaging in more child led play.
When it cools down we will then combine in babies two room with all of our friends before getting collected for the evening
We hope you have a great evening
♥♥Miss Shae and Miss Jin ♥♥