07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Good afternoon to all our wonderful families! Today we welcomed our friends Jordan, Shayaan, Zelia, Dorijan, Franka,  Fletcher, and Bentley. To start our morning, we ventured outside to play in the fresh air and sunlight. We enjoyed playing with the outdoor equipment until we headed inside for group time, morning tea and to begin our own individual routines and learning experiences.

Today for our group time we recited our acknowledgement to country, while making the actions that went with it. We then sang some of our favourite songs, our number one hit today again was twinkle twinkle little star. We all joined in the singing and copying the actions and when we were finished, we all clapped, acknowledging our signing and contribution to group time. To finish off group time we sang Bee Bee Bumble Bee, which is our transition song, singing this every group time before a meal is allowing our friends to have consistency in recognising that it means we are about to transition eating. All our friends did a fantastic job sitting for group time and waiting to hear their names before transitioning to morning tea.

With the amazing weather that we have had again today, we have spent most of the day outdoors. As we headed outdoors Miss Jess from Toddlers 2, gave us some cooked pasta to play with. Miss Shae decided it would be a great opportunity to conduct a science experiment using the pasta as this week is ‘Science Week’. We separated the pasta and had some red and blue food dye. Miss Shae put each colour in each tray and stepped back so our friends could observe what was in the tray. Soon enough all friends had begun moving the pasta around which made it mix in with the food dye. Our friends then were engaged with the pasta fun until lunch. This spontaneous pasta science experience was beneficial for their learning as it provided opportunity to explore and continue our introduction of colours, todays focus red and blue. It also allowed our friends to continue exploring and enhancing their sensory and fine motor skills.

Our friends all followed their own individual sleep routines as best as they could! We endeavour to follow each child’s home routine in whatever way we can. With having the doors open all the day the children have been happier and more engaged in activities child led and staff led. As the afternoon sets in we will enjoy some more outdoor play in this amazing weather before it gets cool.

Have a lovely afternoon!

Lots of love,
Miss Crystal and Miss Shae xx