Good afternoon to all our wonderful families! This morning our friends Zelia, Jordan, Bentley, Fletcher, Franka and Dorijan were welcomed by Miss Tatiane and Miss Hansani outside in the verandah area. They were welcomed with lots of cuddles! When Miss Crystal started, we transitioned into our room for some child led play and to begin our usual morning routine of nappies, sleeps, and morning tea. during the child led play, the musical instruments were a hit, hitting the xylophone and shaking the bells and eggs. While Zelia and Jordan slept, the rest of our friends sat together at the table with Miss Crystal and enjoyed some morning tea. As Jordan and Zelia each woke up they too, enjoyed some morning tea, sitting together and engaging in conversation with one another.
For group time today we came together and recited our acknowledgement to country, watching as Miss Crystal demonstrated the actions along with it. After the acknowledgement to country we sung some of our favourite nursery rhymes. We all listened very well and moved our bodies along with the songs and enjoyed trying to copy and mirror the dance moves along with Miss Crystal and Miss Shae. Our songs today were Old Macdonald Had A Farm, ABC, Open Shut them and Incy Wincy Spider.
Before and after lunch we enjoyed some indoor/outdoor child led play. Our friends had the choice of where they wanted to play and explore. Zelia and Jordan had found themselves at our bookshelf, pulling the books off the shelf one by one together and giggling as they did it. Once they had pulled them out, they each sat down and were engaged with the books, flipping the pages, and observing the illustrations. As they were looking through the books you could hear them making noise and appearing to be trying to engage in verbal conversation with one another. Fletcher had found himself outside playing on the wooden climbing equipment. He would often pull himself up onto the bridge and go back and forth walking over it. Bentley is becoming more confident in his walking as each day passes, so it was no surprise to find him with the push toys, holding on to them for balance and walking from one end to the other as he pushed it. He would also use Miss Crystal or Miss Shae as support and practice his balance, smiling as he did it. Franka seemed to be enjoying challenging herself with the wooden climbing equipment, using her balance to walk up the sloped ladder and then attempting to climb the ‘A’ frame. When she found that too difficult, she wondered over to the green bridge where Bentley was standing and stood on the bridge with him exchanging laughs and smiles. Today we have been creating our Father’s Day gifts, Dorijan couldn’t wait to explore what we were doing and get creative. Dorijan wasn’t interested in painting with the brushes, he enjoyed painting his actual hand then squeezing his hands together. They seemed to enjoy using their fine motor muscles and sense of touch to explore as they created their Father’s Day gifts.
Our friends all followed their own individual sleep routines as best as they could! We endeavour to follow each child’s home routine in whatever way we can. The children have been happier and more engaged in activities initiated by the children and responded positively to the activities planned. As the afternoon sets in, we will hopefully enjoy some more outdoor play before transitioning inside for the evening.This afternoon the children will have opportunity to engage in spontaneous play.
Have a lovely afternoon,
Lots of love,
Miss Crystal and Miss Shae xx