Good afternoon to you all! We hope you have all had a lovely week thus far! This morning Miss Crystal welcomed our friends Zelia, Jordan, Bentley, Fletcher, Grayson, Matilda, Shayaan and Oliver with lots of cuddles. Soon Miss Shae started, 4qand she too shared a big cuddle with each of our friends. We started our usual morning routine and most of our friends had gone down for their first sleeps. As our friends would wake, we would enjoy morning tea and head into child led play, this morning we did have to enjoy playing inside to start due to the smoke in the air.
For group time today it was very staggered, but we would in smaller groups enjoy singing and dancing to some of our favourite and most loved songs. Today we sand and danced along to ‘Incy Wincy Spider’, ‘ABC’ and ‘Open shut them’. We had a very busy day today as we are all settling into our room becoming full each day. We just enjoyed a day full of child led play. When the smoke cleared up we were able to open the doors and have indoor/outdoor play. Some of our favourite things to play with was the activity centre tables, practising out standing and balancing skills. We also have loved the push toys which has been a great way to support our friends walking milestones and providing them support to explore this safely. Our friends have also enjoyed challenging their walking, balancing and pulling themselves up by using the wooden climbing equipment to walk over the bridge and climb up the ‘A’ frame. It also has been teaching our friends to share and take turns.
Inside our books were a hit, we loved sitting down with them and exploring the different pages and looking at the illustrations. We also enjoyed playing with the musical instruments, in particular shaking and listening to the bell and egg shakers. The square shaped large stacking rings were a hit and were great for problem solving, turn taking and continuing to practise our standing and balancing skills.
We hope you all have a lovely afternoon,
Lots of Love,
Miss Crystal & Miss Shae xx