Good afternoon families,
This morning we welcomed our friends with warm cuddles and lots of smiles as we said good morning to Zelia, Oliver, Grayson, Jordan, Matilda and Shayaan. This morning we were in our own room as we had a few of our friends arrive early, in our room we had many different learning areas to play and explore in as well as our usual toys on the shelves. We enjoyed playing with the musical instruments, such as banging on the drums and shaking the bell shakers. Another high interest areas have been our books. Our friends are really enjoying selecting a book and sitting with it, flipping the pages and pointing to the pictures and this morning was no different. Zelia and Jordan had gone to bed and the rest of our friend continued exploring until it was morning teatime. We came together and had group time before washing our hands and sitting at the table to eat. Our group time today we sat on the mat with Oliver, Matilda, Shayaan and Grayson while our other friends were sleeping and sang some of our favourite songs. Matilda has a love for nursery rhymes and helping her to form a sense of security and comfortability in her environment we thought this was a fun way to incorporate her interests into group time and share with our other friends. We danced and sang along to ‘Baby Shark’, ‘Incy Wincy Spider’, ‘ABC’ and ‘Dingle Dangle Scarecrow’. We loved singing and dancing along sharing lots of smiles, clapping and laughing. To finish off group time we sang ‘Bee Bee Bumble Bee’, we sing this everyday to be consistent with our transitions to meal times and continuing to help our friends recogonise and acknowledge their names.
After morning tea, we had indoor/outside play to engage in some child led play in the fresh air and beautiful sunny weather! Grayson walked over to the walker, sat up with it and began playing with all the different areas on it, such as spinning the small wheels, moving the shapes around, all of which are enhancing his fine motor skills and encouraging him to concentrate, and problem solve as he works out how to move each one. As he was playing with the walker, Oliver quickly made his way over to join in, he crawled over and as he sat up, Grayson moved over to make room for Oliver. Oliver began playing with the book pages on the walker, while also looking to Grayson and laughing. Oliver also held on to the walker for support, pulling himself onto his knees, balancing on them. The walker provided opportunity for Oliver to promote his use of his gross and fine motor muscles and beginning to explore the fundamentals of walking, today being getting on his knees and balancing. It also was opportunity for Grayson and Oliver to engage verbally and non-verbally with one another developing a positive relationship with one another. Meanwhile, Matilda had found herself at the activity block, she pulled herself up and using her fine motor skills she moved the beads around on the bead track, concentrating and persisting even though it was a challenge to get her hands around the entanglement of the bead track .Inside Shayaan was enjoying the musical instruments, in particular the shaker balls. He would use his gross motor muscles to pick it up and tap it on the ground, recognising that as he moved it up and down and tapped it on the ground it made sound, he continued to do so with a big smile on his face. Once Zelia and Jordan they joined in in play on the mat, both Zelia and Jordan are becoming more confident in pulling themselves up using the cube shelves, getting their balance as they stood and pull faces with Miss Shae from across to one another. Before long it was time for us to at the table and have some lunch.
Our friends all followed their own individual sleep routines as best as they could! We endeavour to follow each child’s home routine in whatever way we can. As the afternoon sets in, we will enjoy some indoor/outdoor play, having opportunity to play with what we choose before all coming inside when the weather becomes cool.
Morning Tea: Coconut Strawberry Delight with a side of banana
Lunch: Wholesome Shephards Pie with cauliflower mash and a side of fresh salad and vegetables
Afternoon Tea: Good Ol Scroggin Trail Mix and side of fresh fruit
lots of love,
Miss Crystal & Miss Shae xx
Important: Please when each morning when you drop your child off, please fill out our bottle receipt record and signing it. We will keep it in the foyer every morning for you to fill out upon arrival. Thank you so much xx