07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Good afternoon to you all, we hope you have all had a beautiful morning!

This morning our friends were welcomed by Miss Hansani, Miss Tatiane and Miss Mel in the babies two room. Our friends Oliver, Grayson, Zelia, Fletcher and Jordan were welcomed with warm cuddles and a ‘good morning’ greeting. We loved playing in the babies two room with our friends from both babies two and babies three. Starting our morning together is providing opportunity for relationships to extend and build beyond their daily room environment. Once Miss Crystal started we headed off to our room with Miss Storm and began our morning routines, changing nappies and getting bottles prepared for those who were going down for their first sleeps. As Jordan, Zelia and Oliver went down to bed we then welcomed Shayaan and Bentley and Miss Shae as well. Was perfect timing as we were going to sit down and have some morning tea.

Before lunch today, we came together for group time. Miss Crystal and Miss Shae sat on the mat and had laid out some musical instruments. Before singing our song, we recited our acknowledgement to country. In a circle we all had a musical instruments and Miss Crystal got out her finger puppets. Today we did the song, ‘Old Macdonald had a Farm’. Along with our music we sang the song, played the musical instruments, and watched as Miss Crystal moved the finger puppet of the animal we were singing about. One by one we took turns pulling the finger puppet animal off Miss Crystals finger and exploring the finger puppet up close. We had so much fun as it has become evident to Miss Crystal and Miss Shae how much love we have for music, song and dance. When we finished the song, we sang our transition song, ‘Bee Bee Bumble Bee’, carefully listening to our names and moving off to wash our hands and eat.

After morning tea, Miss Shae did an art activity which continued our exploration and experimentation of colours. We had Fly Swats and different colours to create a bright and beautiful art display. The experimentation side of things was exploring the colours and seeing what happens when colours were mixed on the fly swat and then hit against the paper what it would do. Grayson, Bentley and Jordan absolutely loved this learning activity and using their fine and gross motor moving the fly swat and being able to hit the paper and watch the paint create different colours as they mixed. After lunch we then ventured outside to engage in some child led learning but also with teacher-initiated spaces to expand on interests and provide challenge. Some of our favourite things outside was the climbing frame, bridge, push toys and activity centre tables. Zelia has this week began walking, so outside she seemed to be drawn to the bridge which provided a challenge as she would have to step up and walk over the slightly raised centre of it to reach the other side. She would hold on to the side of the bridge as support as she walked her way slowly over the bridge. Oliver has been showing off his ability to pull himself into a standing position over the last week, so having the activity centre tables available was great opportunity for him to extend on this interest and enhance his balancing skills for when he is ready to progress walking. He enjoyed standing and holding on and sharing his accomplishment with a smile with Miss Crystal as she cheered for him. Fletcher and Shayaan have enjoyed climbing the ‘A’ frame and enhancing their gross motor skills in a more complex way, having to climb is extending their interests. They would share a smile and concentrate on what they were doing so they were able to move their way up.

Our friends all followed their own individual sleep routines as best as they could! We endeavour to follow each child’s home routine in whatever way we can. With having the doors open all the day the children have been happier and more engaged in activities child led and staff led. As the afternoon sets in, we will enjoy some more outdoor play before moving indoors as it cools down.

Our meals today were:
Morning Tea: Coconut Strawberry Delight made with organic coconut and dates, with coconut yoghurt and banana
Lunch: Wholesome Shephards Pie with Cauliflower Mash and a side of fresh vegetables
Afternoon Tea: Trail Mix and fresh side of fruit

Have a beautiful afternoon,
lots of love,
Crystal and Shae xx