07 5529 8744 [email protected]


We have had a beautiful day in Babies One today. The children enjoyed playing both indoors and outdoors today. It was a nice day to be outside today, not too cold! Outside the children enjoyed reading books, playing with balls and practicing their climbing on the wooden equipment. Our little bubs are starting to get very confident when pulling themselves up on the furniture. Miss Otavia was singing “if you’re happy and you know it” and “row row your boat” to the children while they were sitting on the mat outside. The children love doing the actions to these songs and always have the biggest smiles on their faces.

Inside the children enjoyed reading books, playing with the puzzles, blocks, soft babies, cars and rocking koalas. Our bubs are practicing their rolling, crawling, sitting, standing and walking. They are all getting so confident and reaching their goals so quickly!! We continued on with the Aboriginal Flag handprint paintings from yesterday. The children were watching intently as we painted their hands with the colours of the flag. Red, Black, and Yellow. We are so excited to display these in our room for you all to see.

The mornings are starting to get very cool, please make sure your children have jumpers, warm clothes and socks in their bags for us to put on them.

Thank you, Have a great evening!

♥ Much Love Always, Miss T and Miss O ♥