07 5529 8744 [email protected]


Good Afternoon all lovely families,

Today we explored inside while waiting for everyone to arrive.  We had all welcomed Olivia, Peyton, Charlie, Parker, Olive, Daris and Hugo. All our friends were excited to see each other and greet them once walking in the room.

After exploring the room for a little it was time for some morning tea, so Miss Jess helped us sing the pack away song and bee bee bumble bee to wash our hands. We then pushed the chairs to the table and sat down ready for some yummy food. Once finishing our food Miss Jess had some fun activities for us all to participate.

Miss Jess had some play dough for us to play with. we made some stars, butterflies, circles and squished it in our hands. This activity continues for the sensory week which was two weeks ago. All children were engaged with the activity and enjoyed feel and playing with the play dough. After playing with the play dough we explored the room for the rest of the morning before lunch. it was lots if fun we enjoyed playing with the chalk board, home corner, blocks, and dress ups.

After all the excitant it was time for lunch. we all enjoyed some yummy burgers which was delicious! This afternoon we will continue to explore inside as it’s too hot outside.

Miss Jess and Miss P 😊