Today Miss T’arn and Miss Hansani welcomed, Jordan, Zelia, and Grayson to Babies Two. After exploring in Babies 2 for a little while we transitioned into our classroom to prepare for our day. Miss Danica joined us in Babies One at 9am. Oliver and Bentley arrived shortly after with big cuddles.
For our group time today, we sat on the mat and started our group time by singing “open shut them.” The children sat on the mat so nicely and Grayson clapped his hands along with Miss T’arn with a big smile on his face. After singing we looked through the “My first animals” book before singing “Bee Bee Bumble Bee” Bentley laughed at Miss T’arn when she said, “your name is Bentley!” We did some facial recognition to end our group time today, pointing to our eyes, ears, mouth, and nose. Jordan climbed up to grab Miss T’arn’s nose and had a very cheeky laugh.
Today to continue with the NAIDOC week activities we used sand and bark to make some sensory bottles. Miss T’arn and Miss Danica collected some sand and bark and sat on the floor with the children. We one by one showed the children how to pick up the pieces of bark and sand and put them into the tops of the bottles. All the children had a different response to this activity. Grayson watched what Miss T’arn did and followed. He pitched the bark between his fingers and move his hand to the tip of the bottle and put the bark inside. He continued this a couple of times. He did such a good job following what he was demonstrated. Next Jordan had a turn. Jordan was a little unsure how to do what was demonstrated, he picked up the bark and shook his hand and laughed. Miss T’arn brought the bottle close to Jordan and said “Jordan, can you put it in here” and he put his hand full of bark over the bottle but didn’t let go of it, he just removed his hand again. Next was Zelia, she was sitting close by watching. Miss T’arn put the bark and the bottle close to Zelia, she picks up the bark and her first instinct was to put it in her mouth. Miss T’arn redirected her and said, “how about we put the bark in the bottle” and held the bottle close to her. She did the same as Jordan, held the bark in her hand over the bottle, but did not let go. Bentley waited so patiently for his turn. When we gave him the bark, he wanted to tip the bowl all over the floor. He wasn’t interested in putting the bark and sand in the bottle so Miss T’arn put the lid on the bottles and gave one to him and one to Oliver. They both rolled the bottles with the sand and bark in them. The watched as the ingredients moved and rolled with the bottle. Oliver liked rolling the bottle on the floor as it made a noise.
We look forward to playing outside this afternoon to do some climbing, riding bikes, pushing trollies, and playing with the musical instruments.
Have a great day!! The photos will be up on the wall in the foyer!
♥ Much Love Always, Miss T’arn and Miss Danica! ♥