Hello Families and welcome to our day in Babies 3,
Today we welcomed Daris, Adeleine, Jhye, Bella, Isla, Valencia and Matthew with warm cuddles as they settled into their learning environment.
Our morning began over in the Babies 2 room while we waited for more friends to arrive. When Miss Otavia arrived, we all went outside for a little play before morning tea. Isla, Adeleine and Bella engaged playing with the large and coloured water bottles. They place the bottle in and out of the car pushing. Isla really likes to hold the bottle and pretending she is drinking. She also loves to practice her walking pushing the troller. It was time to transition inside and enjoy a yummy Scrumptious Bananarama Split. After morning tea, we all had some free play while our educators were setting up an excited activity. Isla and Adeleine engaged over the table for some coordination play with the ring stacking. Daris and Bella also had their turn trying to stack the rings. Adeleine was cooking away and pretending she was feeding her teddy with a spoon. She also likes to put things inside the fridge and take off. Before we start our planned activity, we all headed to Babies 2 for our Friday dance lesson. We were very excited. We all had so much fun spinning, twirling around the room to the music and stretching our bodies. Our favourite song was “5 Little Bunnies” We loved doing the action when they fell off the bed.
Today we are celebration Red Nose Day to help raise money for SIDS. Miss Otavia created the opportunity for the children to explore a hand-eye coordination and express their emotions. Over the table, Miss Otavia set up a red painting, white paper, and wood stick. We used the stick at the beginning, but we ended up using our hands to feel the texture of the paint. It was really nice to see all our friends engaged and concentrated in the activity. After that, we all headed outside to continue our planned activity with a sensory tray. Miss Jim sat on the floor and invited them to sit around and feel all the different objects that were inside. The benefit of sensory play encourages the development of motor skills and problem solving. It also helps to develop self-control and life skills.
While outside we also explored the yard. Bella and Valencia were playing with the hula hoops, both was holding it, pushing and walking in circle. Matthew enjoyed climbing up the slide and sliding down. He also likes to sit at the top and observe the other friends. Jhye was enjoying some reading over the mat. The children also engaged in more experiences such as pushing car, walking on the balancing bridge, carry soft blocks from one place to another and wheelbarrows and dig the sand pit. Today our lunch was Fun day’ Friday Roast it up. After we finished our lunch some of us enjoyed our bottles as we drifted off to sleep on our mattress to some soft relaxing music. For afternoon tea we are going to have Crunchy Munchy Chocolate Topped Rice and Sunflower slice and then we head to outside again for more fun activities until is time to go home.
Our friends love to do sensory and painting activities. Next week, we extend our activities based on our babies’ interests.
Just a reminder the parent hub which is located just outside our room with all our babies’ journals in the basket. Please feel free to take your child’s journal home at any time. All we ask is you fill in the date you take the journal and the date in which you return it. Thank you and enjoy. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to either myself or Miss Otavia.
Wishing all our families a fun and safe weekend.
Much love Miss Otavia and Miss Jim xx