Hello Families and welcome to our day in Babies 3,
Today we welcomed Adeleine, Winston, Parker, Bella, Isla, Olivia, Valencia and Matthew with lots of cuddles as they settled in for the morning.
Our mornings always start with lots of play, role play and music. Today Isla decided to explore the transport toy. She pushed the cars around the race car track and used her concentration and hand/eye coordination to place the cars on the ramp, watching them roll down to the bottom. At the home corner we had a big role play between Parker, Adeleine, Bella and Olivia. Miss Otavia joined the children and asked, “what are they cooking?” Olivia then, offered to Miss Otavia a basket with lots of vegetables and fruits. Winston enjoyed playing with the spinning toy placing each colourful disc on top and watching as it spun around and around till it reached the bottom. Adeleine sat on the mat and began manipulating the puzzle pieces to try to fit into the correct spaces, with a little encouragement from Miss Denise.
Miss Otavia asked her friends “what music they would like?” Bella yelled “baby shark” and Olivia also said “yeah”. Isla, Parker, Olivia and Adeleine were all ready waiting the music starts. Them Miss Otavia played “Head, shoulders, knees and toes” and “Row, row your boat” and we all did the actions. There were lots of giggles and laughter together. Before morning tea we packed away the toys singing ‘’Clean up, everybody cleans up’’. For morning tea, we enjoyed Coconut strawberry delight.
Now were time to explore our outside environment for more play. Isla and Valencia headed straight to the coloured water bottles. Isla was practicing her balancing standing up and lifting up the bottles pretending she was drinking. Miss Otavia encouraged Valencia to throw the ball on the bottles to knock them over. She took the ball and got close to the bottles to knock over. Well done! Matthew and Bella spent a lot of time in the sandpit, using the shovel and digging up the sand. He loves to feel the sand through his fingers and grab an amount of sand and put in his head. Bella likes to scoop up the sand and placing it into a bucket.
Babies two had a planned dental hygiene activity and asked us if we would like to join in. Of course we did! We all went next door into babies two where a table was set up with toothbrushes, large dentures, and dental mirrors. The children took turns brushing the dentures making sure that they were sparkling clean. Parker enjoyed this experience the most and was really focused. Before lunch we had another group time where we talked about why it’s important to brush your teeth and we spoke about if we all brushed our teeth at home. After that, Miss Lauren sang ” Bee bee bumble bee” to go wash our hands and have some lunch.
For lunch we enjoyed a yummy Wholesome Shepherd’s Pie bites with cauliflower mash. After we finished our lunch some of us enjoyed our bottles as we drifted off to sleep on our mattress to some soft relaxing music. For afternoon tea we will be enjoying some Good Ol’ Scroggin trail mix then we will be enjoying some outdoor free experiences before we go home.
Just a reminder the parent hub which is located just outside our room with all our babies’ journals in the basket. Please feel free to take your child’s journal home at any time. All we ask is you fill in the date you take the journal and the date in which you return it. Thank you and enjoy. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to either myself or Miss Otavia.
We would love a family photo for our family tree – this helps our babies with a sense of belonging.
Much love Miss Otavia and Miss Lauren xx