Good Afternoon and Happy Friday!!

This morning, Miss Otavia and Miss Mel welcomed our friends  Olive, Oskar and Chester out in Babies One yard to soak up the warmer weather this morning before the weather turns. As Miss Tatiane and Miss Shae arrived alongside our friend Braxton greeting us with a very happy smile and Austin shortly got dropped off to join us for our outdoor exploration until it was time to head inside to have our yummy morning tea and our happy feet teacher arrived to do some stretching and dancing to fun music. After happy feet  we ventured back outside to do some activities with our friends from babies one.

For the group time we sat down on the alphabet mat to read a book called POP goes the zebra, and the silliest scarecrow before Olive began to sing “twinkle twinkle little star” to her friends as we joined on with her lovely singing  clapping together at the end of the song making olive smile with pride. Together we sang open shut them, turtle tim and if your happy and you know it before we sang our transition song to wash our hands and sit down for our meal.

Today as we continue our play with bubbles, outside in babies one yard Miss Shae set up the water trough and filled it with dish soap and cooled water and with different sized balls for the children’s enjoyment. Oskar, Chester and Olive were first ones to the activity, reaching into the water feeling the bubbles form around their fingers as Oskar attempts to dive straight in pulling his whole body up submerging his torso in water laughing when he lands on the grass attempting to find another way to get up into the tray to fully immerse himself. shortly after Braxton approached the tray to see what all the excitement was about and fullt throwing his hands in the water trying to grab as many balls as he possibly could with a giant smile on his face as he splashed in the water and grabbed onto all the the activity progressed our friends kept  throwing the balls at Miss Shae,T’arn and Miss Tatiane and laughing. After all the balls were out of the trough and we said goodbye to our friends in B1 and Austin Awoke we took him out to the tray. He was not that interested in splashing in the water but Loved grabbing rhe balls and tossing them on the grass happily chattering along with Miss Shae. After this experience and seeing how much fun and engagement the children had, we went inside to dry off and change out clothing all ready for our transitions to our meal and rest time. Today Olive, Braxton, Chester, Oskar and Austin helped Miss Tatiane and Miss Shae  with packing away our toys while listening to the clean up song before the group time and our lunch.

In the afternoon we will be engaging in some indoor free experiences with out friends from babies one and three as well as outdoor play if weather permits

Love Miss Tatiane and Miss Shae xx