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Welcome to babies two

Miss.Hansani and Miss. T’arn welcomed all our babies in the morning with big cuddles.

We spent most of our day exploring indoor activities. Children have been choosing to chose different experiences as their interest. Finley found the big basket with balls and he throw all the balls around the room. Max also joined with Finley to rall the balls on the floor. Elliana enjoyed reading some books while Tairongo and Jackson were playing with the trucks. Elliana grabbed me a book and sat with me to continue her reading. Her favourite one is ‘Tweet Tweet ‘and ‘Koala Baby’ as they can touch and feel the skin of the animals. They love sensory books. Finley and Jackson also Joined with us to read the books. It was nice to see that they listen to the stories so nicely.

We have been our self-help skills and hand and hygiene practices during the day as always. Children loved to have their own bowls and spoons in the mealtime so they can feed by themselves.

Miss. T’arn and Miss. Hansani continued the sensory activities with playdough after morning tea. So, we chose a yellow play dough and cutters to create stars and butterflies. This gave them opportunities with develop and implement their fine motor skills for this age.

In the afternoon we have been engaging with a new experience for our babies room. The Train tracks…..  Miss. Hansani and Miss. T’arn engaged with the children to help them with fixing train tracks.

We will be doing some outdoor exploration in the afternoon after afternoon tea. we will be engaging with the climbing beam, obstacle courses and the tricycles.

Have a lovely day…

Much love from Miss.Hansani and Miss.T’arn