Good afternoon families
What a wonderful sunny Friday it is! We had all started in babies three room then once some babies had arrived, we moved into our room. During this time, we had all enjoyed some free time exploring the room as some of us loved playing with the soft colourful blocks, home corner, puppets, books, and chunky Peggy. Bella-Rose and Oskar enjoyed placing the Peggy’s onto the base, as they would hand each other a peg to place into the base. What wonderful sharing they were doing! Daris, Loki and Olive had all enjoyed reading some books which were ‘That’s Not My’ with Miss Danica. They loved feeling the textures on each page which allowed them to use some of their sensory skills to help them develop their fine motor skills. Everyone was very cuddly this morning, to which Bella-Rose enjoyed cuddles with Miss Jess. Upon Miss Hansani’s arrival everyone was getting ready for morning tea, we had washed our hands then sat nicely at the table. During this time, we had been singing some songs, which everyone loved. The songs that we had been singing were row row your boat, if your happy and you know it, ABC, and 123.
After morning tea, we all enjoyed sitting down together to read some books, as we waited for one another to get cleaned up so we could go outside. The booked that were read were The Very Cranky Bear Five in The Bed, Pop! Goes the Zebra, Mr McGee, and the Perfect Nest, and Hide and Seek in the Jungle. Afterwards we all enjoyed adventuring outside to explore the outdoor environment. We LOVED the sandpit! We had tried to build sandcastles and dig the sand, as some of us worked together. Babies three were also outside doing some spontaneous water play so we jointed in with them. Wonderful sharing was seen, as we passed the cups and buckets around to our friends. During this time some of us would go in pairs inside to complete the Easter activity for the day. Which were Easter playdough and Easter ornament decoration. We loved the playdough play as we used the Easter cookie cutters to make some shapes. As for the ornament decoration everyone loved painting then, as they would pick the colour they wanted to use and start painting and they had the opportunity to change colours when they wanted. They liked having independency with the painting activities. After we had all completed the activities it was time to come inside to wash our hands and sit down at the table. While siting at the table we had all practiced our words, we focused on our ABC, 123, and each other names. This encouraged others to join in. what a wonderful moment to share with our friends!
We would like to remind parent of the puppet show that will be held next Friday (16th of April). We have permission forms for parents to sign and hand back to either Miss Hansani or Miss Jess. We are excited to see this puppet show, and all children are too! If you would like your child not to attend, please let either educator know also.
Much love Miss Hansani and Miss Jess xoxo 💕