Jingeri families,

Well it is Friday today and it feels good. The rain has cooled everything down, and the calming sensation of water on our skin is the perfect salve to the warm summer humidity. The luxury of standing beneath our covered area and reaching out to touch the falling raindrops is simply exquisite. We are Blessed.

Noah, Tairongo, Ivy, Jackson, Thomas, Lara and Ariana joined Miss Hansani and I for a beautiful day of natural light, fresh air and water play. It is astonishing to watch the children move around independently to become involved participants in a day of fun. Ivy is settling in excellently now, walking freely to choose her own activities. She is clearly feeling more comfortable in her room and more familiar with all of the educators. Tairongo is also seeking comfort from the educators comfortably now, which is fantastic for establishing safe relationships. Lara is engaging her friends in her explorations too, encouraging involvement with a wide range of pre-language communication. She is very entertaining to watch. Jackson is definitely focused on his gross-motor co-ordination at the moment, spending a great deal of time practicing various throwing styles of the ball. His aim is remarkably good, but his determination is even better. Ariana is running around finding where things are, and although she is very smart and is totally aware of the profound change that is underway, she is beginning to become more accustomed to the unfamiliar surroundings. She is also turning to her educators when she is feeling disoriented, which is a good indicator of the start of trusting relationships. Noah is trying to stand at every opportunity now, and no doubt walking will follow soon. And our youngest addition to our little Babies room, Thomas, has had his best day yet. Facilitated by lots of cuddles and kisses, we have begun our safe and secure routine which he is settling into perfectly. We are so happy to have him with us.

And to wrap up our week of B I wanted to touch on the national framework for early education, which has chosen “Belonging, Being & Becoming” as it’s title. This encapsulates the ideal which we as educators are working towards. Giving children a sense of who they are and whom they belong to, a place to simply be themselves, where they are given the best opportunities

We also wanted to wish Jackson a big happy 1st Birthday for yesterday.

I look forward to next week.