Good afternoon families!!
Happy Friday ♥♥
Welcome to babies two. Miss Hansani and Miss Tatiane welcomed Austin, Olive, Asher, Nash and Oskar this morning with lots of cuddles. As it was raining outside we decided to explore some indoor experiences with other friends from babies one and three. We played with the wooden shapes. Olive was really interested with recognising colours with Miss Hansani while Oskar, Nash and Asher look through the shapes as the middle part is transparent and colourful. Also we enjoyed stacking rings and spinning the flowers that we sticked on the window and pretend play in home corner area. For morning tea we enjoyed some healthy yummy muffins with bananas
For the group time Miss Tatiane sat with children in the book corner and let them choose their favourite book to read. Olive grabbed a sensory book called ‘’don’t touch a grumpy rabbit’’. Olive, Austin, Asher, Nash and Oskar enjoyed touching the sensory parts of the books. Oskar started smiling at his friends saying ‘’woww’’ as he could feel the difference of each sensory page. Olive has been practicing her language skills by repeating and practicing new words such as animal’s names and colours.
This morning a big surprised arrived to the centre car park. The festival of joy visited us with huge Australian animals made out of wood. They drove into the car park and the children had the opportunity to view them and enjoy the sound they make. It was such a great opportunity to see such beautiful animals in such a beautiful way. Children were super excited and happy to see these Australian animals.
Today we organised some group experiences in babies one yard for all our babies rooms. All the experiences that we set up were related to the NAIDOC week. we set up the yard with a beautiful sensory tray with red and yellow coloured rice and black colour scoops to represent indigenous flag colours. Also we set up different varieties of musical instruments such as drums, shakers and sticks. Also we made some sensory bottles with bark, sand and sticks inside to play for our young babies as a sensory experience. Also we set up the table with didgeridoo painting. Asher, Olive, Nash and Oskar absolutely enjoyed engaging with didgeridoo painting. It was such a creative experience as the children had that free time to engage with activity in their own way. They ended up tasting the paint, touching the paint and clap with the paints on their hand. Asher loved scooping the coloured rice so, he chose to stick with the sensory tray and practice his fine motor skills. Oskar also joined with Asher to explore the sensory tray. Then he grabbed hand full of rice and ran to the table where we did thee didgeridoo painting and mixed with paint. Nash engaged with playing the musical instruments after as he loves shaking them and listen to the sound they make.
For lunch we enjoyed a fantastic fish fajita. For afternoon tea we will be enjoying rawsome superfood energy bars. We will be engaging with free indoor experiences this afternoon.
For one-on-One time Miss Hansani and Miss Tatiane engaged with Austin and Asher to do some one on one time such as have little conversations, Read simple stories, sing some songs and stack blocks and rings with them to settle them in the room
We have put up the daily blog, daily programming and daily pictures up on the wall just before where we enter to the babies room. Miss Jess has created a book called babies two memories with photos of special experiences that we engaged with. Miss Hansani and Miss Tatiane will continue the book. Parents can have a look at the book any time, it will be displayed on the parents hub just before you enter to the room.
Much love Miss Hansani and Miss Tatiane….