07 5529 8744 [email protected]

JIngeri families,

It is difficult to believe that we are in our final full week of this year. Summer is blazing and each day brings Christmas closer. Our outdoor play area is forging ahead with unbelievable speed, and we are starting to see the signs of our mud kitchen and water feature taking shape. Fun times ahead!

We have had an excellent quiet day, with just Ruby and Emmett in for a play. I am always grateful for some softer days after busy weeks so that we get a chance to spend gentle time reconnecting on a more personal level. This meant that Emmett and Ruby also got to get to know each other better too. Walking is still the preoccupation of the day, using all the toys and furniture to assist and extend. I am certain Ruby has taken some independent steps today, so that is very exciting. Emmett is getting more confident in his walking every time I see him, and he and Ruby are inviting each other into adventures around the room. They are equally matched in all areas of development which makes them excellent learning partners.

Our focus letter is X this week, and Ruby’s mum kindly brought in some fantastic X-Rays for us to have a look at. It’s a tricky letter to introduce, but a wonderful sound to include.

I look forward to tomorrow.