Good afternoon families!!
Welcome to babies two♥
This morning Miss Hansani and Miss Tatiane welcomed Olive, Chester, Braxton, Loki and Oskar with lots of cuddles. Miss Hansani is dressed up like minion today and Miss Tatiane is dressed up like the Grinch. We are so happy to see all the book week dress ups today and can’t wait to see more exciting costumes for the rest of the week. In the morning, with babies three friends explored the babies one yard and then headed to the big yard to spend some time outside before the morning tea. Olive absolutely loved going on the slide and play in the sand pit. Oskar loved to play in the sand pit with Olive and then push a wheelbarrow with a ball. Chester found his favourite excavators to dig the sand pit. Braxton enjoyed shaking the sensory bottles. Loki joined with us after morning tea. Everyone was so excited to show their dress ups for the book week. For morning tea, we enjoyed blueberry quinoa breakfast bar with bananas.
For the group time our children engaged with yoga. The yoga teacher sat on the mat outside in a corner of the yard and greeted everyone before the yoga session. Then she demonstrated some stretching and simple yoga movements for the children. Then the yoga teacher encouraged children to follow some simple steps with a beautiful music. She brought us a cool bubble machine so the children can pop the bubbles while sitting on the mat. Today she brought wooden half circle shapes that the children can walk on. She set them up like a long bridge and encouraged children to walk on them. Loki, Olive, Chester, Braxton and Oskar enjoyed walking on them by holding her hand as a little support.
For the book week, today Alice in wonderland arrived for the ‘’book week show’’ at kindy. We all got ready to watch her show by sitting outside under the shade. She brought us a basket with a book called ‘’Alice in wonderland, Rose flowers, Bubbles, Shakers, Sticks and a puppet inside. She showed all the resources while she was singing and blowed some bubbles before we started. Everyone was so excited to pop the. Then she gave everyone to have a look through the book and see all the pictures while she was explaining the story. Then it was time to touch these beautiful sensory roses. Olive touched them and said ‘’pretty’’. Braxton welcomed Alice saying ‘’Hi..Hi’’. Then she offered everyone the shakers and sticks to tap. All our babies enjoyed taping them and shaking the little egg shape shakers. Loki waved and said ‘’bye bye’’ when she finished the show.
Then it was time to read some stories and sing some songs related to book week. Today we read the ‘’Incy Wincy’’ book with a cobweb background and spider mask. Miss Hansani wore the spider mask while she was reading the book and then shared with everyone to try it on their face. Olive, Loki and Chester loved it. Olive, Loki and Chester practiced some words such as Cobweb, Spider, Black… Next we read a book called ‘’Peek a boo’’ as our Loki was dressed up like a cute little panda and he brought this book for his friends to share with. Loki sat next to Miss Hansani and helped her to turn the pages and find the hidden animals. ‘’Peek a boo’’ is such a popular experience in babies rooms so after discovering all the hidden animals on the book then we played this game with our babies. Miss Hansani encouraged them to cover their faces and uncover the face as soon as they hear their names. That was so much fun. Isla from babies three brough a book called ‘’Old Mcdonald’’. Olive and Isla sat on the mat to share this story with everyone. Olive would sing with Miss Hansani every time she hears ‘’E-I-N-G-O’’ part of the song. For lunch we enjoyed mac and cheese. For afternoon tea we will be enjoying fresh fruit kebabs and white chocolate dipping
We have put up the daily blog, daily programming and daily pictures up on the wall just before where we enter to the babies room. Miss Jess has created a book called babies two memories with photos of special experiences that we engaged with. Miss Hansani and Miss Tatiane will continue the book. Parents can have a look at the book any time, it will be displayed on the parents hub just before you enter to the room. Please pack some clothes for warm weather as it can get really warm in the afternoon now.
All the parents you are more than welcome to bring us some ideas for the book week this week. All the children you are more than welcome to dress up your favourite book week characters and bring your favourite books to share with your friends. Thanks for everyone who dressed up and brought books for the book week today. Can’t wait to see you all with different dress ups for the rest of the week.
Much love Miss Hansani and Miss Tatiane….