Hello all the families

Welcome to babies two room for another beautiful day. So today we welcomed our babies and sang the good morning song as they love it. Children have been choosing to play outside in the morning while they enjoy the nice weather. Thomas loved to play with the hula-hoop, and he loved to play with Cameron. Finley, Noah and ruby have been choosing to play under the circus tent while Spencer was playing inside.

We had delicious meals and played inside until our babies going to sleep. Most of our babies enjoy reading books and they love to point out the things such as animals, bright colors, people, babies and trees. Finley and Noah were really interested on books. Spencer and Thomas loved to push the tricycles which is good for their balancing skills.

And we had a nice free drawing session while some of our friends were sleeping. Ruby and Cameron loved it. Noah and Thomas also joined to do some drawing later. They chose many colors and used both hands to draw what ever they want. We scratched some color papers too as they love to do new things. So we practiced to draw circles, triangles, wavy lines and rainbow.  It was such an amazing time.

Children have been choosing to play outside in the afternoon. They loved to watch the horses over the fence and Ruby can show where they are when we ask from her. And we did some bubbles outside, went on the see-saw with miss Shanaya and played with trucks and balls.

It has been a beautiful Monday…. Looking forward for tomorrow……

Love from miss Hansani and miss Dominique