Good afternoon families!!!
Welcome to babies two♥
This morning Miss Hansani and Miss Jin welcomed Daisy, Indiana, Olive, Braxton, Chester and Oskar with lots of cuddles. We are so happy to see everyone’s back to kindy. We explored indoor experiences with babies three friends until we separate into our own rooms. In the morning we all enjoyed experiencing free activities that we set up in the room such as play with farm animals, build towers using blocks, squeeze soft blocks, clap using blocks, pretend play in the home corner, pretend play in the doll corner, stacking rings and read books in the book corner. Miss Hansani and Miss Tatiane changed the room around last week and we could see children absolutely loved to see the changes and play with more resources. For morning tea, we enjoyed blueberry quinoa breakfast bar with bananas.
For the group time our children engaged with yoga. The yoga teacher sat on the mat outside in a corner of the yard and greeted everyone before the yoga session. Then she demonstrated some stretching and simple yoga movements for the children. Then the yoga teacher encouraged children to follow some simple steps with a beautiful music. Daisy, Olive, Indiana and Oskar enjoyed watching the yoga movements while others playing in the sand pit.
Then it was time to engage with some planned experience. Miss Hansani grabbed the play dough and the cookie cutters out for our babies to engage with an activity to develop their fine motor skills. Olive grabbed her chair saying ‘’yayy play-dough’’. It was so nice to see that everyone tries to grab the chairs from the shelf when it’s mealtime or an activity time. After we sitting down, Miss Jin offered children with some play dough and one cookie cutter per child. Then we encouraged children to recognise the cookies cutter shapes that we chose. Miss Hansani demonstrated rolling first. Chester, Indiana and Olive rolled their play dough firmly with their little palms. Oskar enjoyed pressing his fish shape cookie cutter on the play dough while Diasy and Braxton make holes in their play dough. Olive was really exited to share different shapes with her friends and create different shapes out from the play dough. Then for the dental health week we decided to let the children do a painting inspired by the colour and shape of teeth. She we offered children a large block and white paint to create a beautiful painting for the ‘’dental week’’. Outside, Chester and Braxton enjoyed pushing an excavator on the grass and take turns to enjoy the experience. Olive and Indiana absolutely confident on showing the balancing skills by walking on the balancing bridge. Braxton also had a turn walking on the balancing bridge after playing with Chester. Chester and Olive then engaged with climbing on the big climbing frame without hesitation. They would clap once they reach the top. Daisy also had a turn to show her gross motor skills. She confidently climbed on the frame halfway through without any help from her educators. Well done friends. Oskar’s favourite experience was playing with hula-hoops. Also he absolutely loved to push the wheelbarrows around the yard
For lunch we enjoyed mac and cheese. For afternoon tea we will be enjoying fresh fruit kebabs and white chocolate dipping. For one on one time with older kids, we engaged with recognising colours using flash cards. With younger children, we encouraged them to engage with a unicorn puzzle and an animal puzzle to find the right spots for the puzzle pieces.
Much Love Miss Hansani and Miss Jin…