Hello all the families
Welcome to babies two room for this beautiful Thursday. It has been an amazing day with all the activities, children’s explorations, and their interests. We started our day playing outside as usual. Outdoor play is their favourite thing during the day. We had a play session in babies three play yard with all the other friends and children were so exited to play around the veranda pushing the push cows and the trucks. It was nice to see that everyone chooses different experiences as their interests. After that, we headed to babies two play yard to continue our morning energetic play session. Noah and Finley were so exited to climb on everything they can. Ariana has been choosing to stack the rings nicely while Noah and Finley were busy with the obstacle courses and the steps. We decided to have our morning tea outside while we were having some fresh air.
After the teatime, we washed our hands and started to explore some nice activities inside the room. Noah and Finley found lots of colourful balls and they started on roll all on the floor. Ariana was so exited to roll the bolls using her legs. Finley helped me to pack away all the little balls after playing.
We had our big lunch after busy play. Children are extremely exited to wash their hands before and after meals. They all follow me when I say ‘let’s wash our hands’. Our babies are demonstrating lots of other skills too. When they are having food, they love to feed by themselves. And they use their nonverbal communication skills for ask their drink bottles. They say ‘more ‘, ‘Ta’ as they are developing their language skills.
In the afternoon, Miss. Hansani did some animals drawing as our little friends can recognize them. So, I decided to draw a Butterfly, a bird, a fish, and an ant. It was a nice experience as most of the babies recognised the animals and used their words.
Children’s voices
Finley – Butter, Bird, fish
Ariana – Butterfly, Bird, Ant, Fishy
Noah – Fish, Bird
We did some singing and dancing too. Ariana and Noah were so exited to dance with me. It was so surprised that Ariana sang ‘row row row your boat’ song with me.
Much love from Miss. Hansani ….