Good afternoon families!!
Welcome to babies two♥
This morning Miss Hansani and Miss Danica welcomed Chester, Forrest, Olive, Asher and Oskar. We spent our morning exploring indoor experiences. Olive had such a beautiful time sitting at the book corner singing bunch of songs by herself. Forrest sat around a corner where the trucks and cars were. Oskar also joined with Forrest to play with the cars and trucks. Forrest would show me saying ‘’car…a truck’’ when he picks something to play with. Chester loves the dinosaurs. He would come to Miss.Hansani with a dinosaur saying ‘’wraa’’ with a big smile on his face. For morning tea we enjoyed creamy pear porridge.
For the group time Miss Danica and Miss Lauren joined with us to do a little story time and do some dancing. We played ‘’baby shark’’ song as Olive requested. Forrest did the best dancing moments today. Oskar and Chester got so excited and started to run around the room while we were dancing. For the story time We read a story called ‘’pop! goes the zebra’’. Everyone sat on the mat nicely to listen to the story.
Today we extended the insect show experience with a sensory tray experience. We made a sensory tray with rice, Natural leaves, magnifying glasses, scoop and insects. Children actively engaged with this experience as they were really curious to explore the tray. Chester loved looking through the magnifying glasses sharing with Olive. Olive enjoyed scooping the rice with bugs too. Forrest and Oskar put their hands in the tray straight away without any hesitation. Asher enjoyed playing with the turtle scoops as he wasn’t really sure about the texture of some plastic insects. That was such a good experience for our little babies hands. Miss Lauren came up with a beautiful idea which was a string painting. We set up the table with some painting and strings and let the children freely use their hands to dip the string in the paint and spread the paint on a white paper. Olive, Oskar, Asher, Forrest and Chester had so much fun creating their own beautiful artwork.
Chester loves pushing the wheelbarrow around the yard and also play in the sand pit with the excavators. Oskar’s favourite experience is rocking on the dinosaur. He went on the dinosaur so fast giggling without any fear. Then he offered Chester to have a turn on the dinosaur and decided to go on the slide. Asher absolutely loves the sensory books he sat on the book corner and found a sensory book and turned all the pages by himself to touch and feel all the sensory parts. Olive decided to ride a bicycle and then play in the sand pit with her friends. She ran to the sand pit saying ‘’ I wanna play…..I wanna play…”
For lunch we enjoyed roast veggie avocado and pesto grill.. For afternoon tea we will be enjoying chocolate beetroot brownies. In the afternoon we will be engaging with more outdoor experiences and then indoor free experiences. We practiced our self-help skills by using spoons for meal time to feed ourselves, put the hats on, find the drink bottles, find the water bottles and wash our hands. For one on one time We engaged with practicing some words such as ‘’ta, sorry, please, thank you’’
We have put up the daily blog, daily programming and daily pictures up on the wall just before where we enter to the babies room. Miss Jess has created a book called babies two memories with photos of special experiences that we engaged with. Miss Hansani and Miss Tatiane will continue the book. Parents can have a look at the book any time, it will be displayed on the parents hub just before you enter to the room.
Much love Miss Hansani and Miss Danica