Good Afternoon Families!
Welcomed to babies two!
This morning Miss Otavia and Miss Tatiane welcomed Oskar, Zeppelin, Chester, Forrest, Austin and Emma with lots of cuddles. We began our day exploring the big yard with babies three friends as usual.
Oskar and Chester enjoyed playing with the chainsaw, they were inside the wood table pretending they were trade. Oskar was happy when he turned the chainsaw on and made it a real noise. Emma loved playing with the blue castle shape in the sand pit with Forrest, they filled the bucket up with sand then turned down. They got excited seeing the sandcastle! Forrest also engaged with Oskar playing together with the animal puzzle, they had turns to put the animals in the correct spot, Miss Tatiane helped them to recognize the colour and the shapes of the animals! It was time to head inside the room to have our morning tea. Today we had magic breaky muffins.
While Miss Tati was setting up a new experience we had free play inside the room. Oskar, Forrest and Chester sat on the green mat with Miss Otavia and enjoyed playing with the rainbow rings, they were so kind with each other waiting their turn. Zeppelin just loved the music instruments and the noise that it made! He also enjoyed spinning the colourful spinner in the mirror.
Extending on this week learning, we continued talking about the colours!! Today was about the Green Colour! To introduce the activity, we provided to them a paper with a green shape. After that Miss Tatiane set up a bowl with all things that we had in the room that was Green. We put soft toys, blocks, piece of rainbow, a little house, a ring, a little watering can, a flower and a lettuce. Miss Otavia let them explore all the things! She explained for what we use the watering can and pretended she was putting water in the flower! Chester loved and did the same. In the next part of the experience each one received a brush to do a beautiful art using a green colour!
Before we enjoyed our lunch, Miss Tatiane barrowed a book from babies three called ‘’Australian animals’’. We went through each page and Miss Tatiane explained the name of the animals, the colours of the animals, where they live and what they eat. We talked about of the most popular animals in Australia – the Koala, Crocodile and Kangaroo. The crocodile was the favourite of everyone! Miss Tatiane did with her hands a ‘snap’ to show everyone how the crocodile does Everyone was so excited to listen to the story time and have a look at the big colourful pictures. Then each child got a turn to have a look at each animal as all the animals were printed on sensory pages. For lunch, we enjoyed crispy potato rosti and chicken pompoms.
We practice our self-help skills by using forks and spoons for mealtime to feed ourselves, put the hats on, find the drink bottles and wash our hands. Our new goal is encouraging children to put their dishes, bibs and drink bottles away in the baskets after mealtime. We encourage children to find their own cot now. We encourage older children to walk to the bathroom and use the stairs to reach to the changing mat and wash their hands after changing nappies by themselves. For one-on-one time, Zeppelin engaged with music instruments and recognise the sounds that it makes. Zeppelin was encouraged to sit by himself on the mat to play with our green basket. He was confident playing and happy.
Please pack some clothes for warm weather as it can get really warm in the afternoon now.
Remind – Please fill the bottle receipt on the front desk for each day.
Much Love Miss Tatiane and Miss Otavia