Good Afternoon families!!
Welcome to Babies two♥
Happy Thursday… This morning Miss Hansani and Miss Tatiane welcomed Olive, Oskar, Asher, Forrest, Emma, Zeppelin, Chester and Austin with lots of cuddles. Today as the last day of the ‘’book week’’, Emma was dressed up as Emma’s in wiggles. Forrest was our baby shark. Austin was our little Peppa pig. Chester was dressed up as a moon. Olive was our little pirate. Some of our friends brought books to share with our friends. How cool! Austin having such a great time at kindy since he settled in the room and feels comfortable. Georgia came for a play this morning dressed up as a little princess. She took her own time to settle in the room and she absolutely loved exploring her new room on her own. Everyone spent some time exploring indoor activities such as Home corner pretend play, Puzzles, Play with the soft blocks and play with the wooden shapes. For morning tea, we enjoyed delicious pumpkin, chia and apple waffle
For the group time we read few books that our friends brought in to share with their friends. Chester brought his favourite two books called ‘’It’s a little baby, Kissed by the moon. We sat at the table and Miss Tatiane read the books with our friends and gave them a turn to have a look through each page. Then we read a story called ‘’Peppa and the police car’’ that Austin brought to share with his friends. His favourite part was to press the music button of the book.
Outside we set up a sensory tray as an extension for the dear zoo experience that we engaged yesterday. We set up the tray with Bark, sand, leaves, grass, dinosaurs with different other animals. We let the children touch and feel the sand and bark and also play with their favourite animals. Olive grabbed a horse saying ‘’It’s a hours…Neigh..Neigh…’’. Forrest grabbed the Cow saying ‘’Moo…Mooo’’. Georgia loved the wild animals and to play with natural leaves.
Zeppelin plays on the mat with a little goat and a zebra. Oskar and Chester grabbed dinosaurs ran around the yard saying ‘’wraa…wraaa..’’ Emma grabbed a book and asked Miss Hansani to read. Miss Hansani pointed each animal and encouraged her to practice their names. She would smile at Miss Hansani When she hears the sounds they make. Asher’s favourite part was playing with the bark. He would move the animals to find the bark. Austin loved to grab all the animals and put them back in the jungle after playing. Then we all sat at the table to engage with a footprint artwork. For this experience we used green and blue paint and some animals. Everyone was so excited to dip the animal’s feet in the paint and make foot prints all over the paper. For lunch we enjoyed loaded butter chicken with turmeric rice. For afternoon tea we will be enjoying Maxi dips and corn tortilla chips.
We practiced our self-help skills by using spoons for mealtime to feed ourselves, put the hats on, find the drink bottles, find the water bottles and wash our hands. Our new goal is encouraging children to put their dishes, bibs and drink bottles away in the baskets after mealtime. . We encourage children to find their own cot now
For one-on-one time Miss Hansani spent some time with Georgia to sing some songs to support her to settle in the room. She loves ‘’Twinkle twinkle’’ song.
We have put up the daily blog, daily programming and daily pictures up on the wall just before where we enter to the babies room. Miss Jess has created a book called babies two memories with photos of special experiences that we engaged with. Miss Hansani and Miss Tatiane will continue the book. Parents can have a look at the book any time, it will be displayed on the parents hub just before you enter to the room. Please pack some clothes for warm weather as it can get really warm in the afternoon now.
Please fill the bottle receipt for each day
Much love Miss Hansani and Miss Tatiane!!