Good afternoon families!!
Welcome to babies two♥
This morning Miss Hansani and Miss Tatiane welcomed Georgia, Olive, Emma, Austin, Zeppelin, Austin, Asher, Forrest and Oskar with lots of cuddles. Georgia had such a great day she confidently explored the environment and engaged with her friends. She loved reading her favourite sensory book called ‘’never touch a grumpy bear’’ while she was sitting on the mat. Zeppelin is so excited to show his gross motor and physical skills by rolling around the green mat and reach the toys around him. He would use his both legs and hands to get all the energy that he needs to move. Zeppelin absolutely loves the sensory mat that Miss Emma brought us. We headed to the big yard early today as the weather was really nice outside. Austin loves to ride the dinosaur and his favourite thing is to walk around the yard and give high fives to everyone. Chester engaged with bawling and then ride a bicycle and then he decided to have a quiet time reading a book called ‘’funny faces’’. Olive spent her day with babies three Miss Mel and Miss Otavia. Oskar and Asher enjoyed walking on the balancing bridge while Emma and Forrest go on the slide. For morning tea, we enjoyed delicious pumpkin, chia and apple waffle
For the group time we played bunch of songs such as ‘’baby shark, Incy wincy, Head shoulders, Wheels on the bus’’ as our children requested their favourite songs. Forrest came to Miss hansi and said ‘’baby shark’’ and pointed at the computer. Everyone had so much fun and demonstrated their dancing skills. Georgia, Zeppelin and Emma engaged with doing their father’s day art works while everyone else engage with stacking rings to develop their fine motor and hand eye coordination skills.
Outside Zeppelin was so happy to show more skills by jumping while Miss Tatiane was holding him on his feet. He got the biggest smile on his face. Austin was so excited to have a conversation with Miss Hansani after he was steering a wheel pretending that he was driving. Oskar loves pointing at the cars and trucks that go on the road. He makes the best facial expressions to communicate with his friends and educators. Asher and Emma absolutely loved climbing on the climbing beam that we set up with a soft fall area. Emma and Asher took turns to climb on the frame by themselves. Chester loved to push his favourite wheelbarrows with Austin. Georgia enjoyed watching the carpark and touch the grass as the texture was different. Forrest loves walking on the balancing beam, kick and throw the balls around the yard. For lunch we enjoyed loaded butter chicken with turmeric rice. For one-on-one time we engaged with Georgia to settle in he room by providing some books and animal puzzles to play with.
We have put up the daily blog, daily programming and daily pictures up on the wall just before where we enter to the babies room. Miss Jess has created a book called babies two memories with photos of special experiences that we engaged with. Miss Hansani and Miss Tatiane will continue the book. Parents can have a look at the book any time, it will be displayed on the parents hub just before you enter to the room.. Please pack some clothes for warm weather as it can get really warm in the afternoon now.
We are experiencing some issues of uploading photos and we really apologize for any inconveniences.
Much love Miss Hansani and Miss Tatiane…