Good afternoon families…..
Happy Thursday ♥♥
Welcome to babies two. Miss Hansani and Miss Tatiane welcomed Oskar, Olive, Austin, Asher, Nash, Forrest and Chester this morning with lots of love. We stayed combined this morning as usual. With babies one and babies three friends, our babies explored the home corner area with vegetables, fruits, pots and pans. Also we practiced counting with our older babies while younger babies stack the rings. Pushing trucks and cars has become the most favourite experience among the boys. Until we split into our own rooms we enjoyed listening to some music this morning such as ‘’Raw raw raw your boat, Five little ducks and Wheels on the bus’’. For morning tea we enjoyed creamy pear quinoa porridge while sitting at the table
For the group time we enjoyed playing some indigenous music and ‘’taba naba’’ song for our babies as they love music and dancing. While we were in babies yard we played this music and Olive, Forrest, Nash and Oskar absolutely enjoyed dancing and clapping.
Today we combined with babies three friends to engage with planned experiences for the NAIDOC week. We prepared a sensory tray with rice, sea shells, dirt, leaves and sticks and lots of indigenous musical instruments outside. Olive loved shaking the bells while Oskar was touching and feeling the texture of shredded papers and Chester was observing some see shells. Forrest enjoyed exploring the sensory tray and touch the rice and scoop them out from the tray. Nash chose to keep exploring the other area of the yard and he engaged with crawling on the balancing beam and play with the walkers. Then we headed to the small yard again to engage with our favourite obstacle courses and climbing frames. Chester loved climbing on the climbing frame and said ‘’yay..’’ and started to clap once he reached the top of the frame. He also enjoyed playing with the basket with Forrest putting the basket on their head. Forrest gave me the biggest smile pointing at his head saying ‘’hat…hat…’’. Nash loves watching through the windows and smile to his friends in babies one. Also he enjoys spinning the flowers that we sticked on the windows. Oskar was playing with a big purple ball with his friends while we were out there, and he enjoyed taking turns to throw the ball with his friends. Good sharing Oskar. Asher and Austin spent such a beautiful time once they were settled in the room. Asher chose to play under Miss Hansani’s desk and he enjoyed carrying pots and pan under the table as it looks like a little tunnel for them. He loves playing in the home corner by himself. He would share some fruits and veggies with his educators while playing. Austin would love to stay close to Miss Hansani and Miss Tatiane when he plays. He enjoyed doing ‘’peek-a-boo’’, spinning the flowers and play with the little shakers.
For lunch we enjoyed roast veggies, avocado and pesto grills. For afternoon tea we will be enjoying chocolate beetroot brownies. We will be engaging with free outdoor experiences this afternoon.
We practiced our self-help skills by using spoons for meal time to feed ourselves, put the hats on, find the drink bottles, find the water bottles and wash our hands. For one-on-One time Miss Hansani encouraged Austin and Asher to engage with indoor experiences while everyone else playing outside. This helps them to settle in the room.
We have put up the daily blog, daily programming and daily pictures up on the wall just before where we enter to the babies room. Miss Jess has created a book called babies two memories with photos of special experiences that we engaged with. Miss Hansani and Miss Tatiane will continue the book. Parents can have a look at the book any time, it will be displayed on the parents hub just before you enter to the room.
Much love Miss Hansani and Miss Tatiane ♥