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Jingeri families,

The little friends are growing up, and as mobility and communication improves so does the quality of interaction between these new adventure buddies. They are relaxing into each other’s space and allowing themselves to stretch their capabilities and interests.

Tuesdays we take the opportunity to focus on the Early Years Learning Outcome which aims to develop children who are confident and involved learners. While interacting with various materials and resources, children are able to learn to adapt information from various contexts and transfer that knowledge across to other areas of their life. Only by physically interacting with their world are they able to cross-reference their new experiences to begin forming a coherent picture of this huge village we live in. And by allowing them to use their senses to experience all that is around them, we can nurture young humans who investigate and explore which will in turn create children who are persistent and resilient.

Max has had an excellent day today, settling quickly and getting involved in all the toys. Emmett and Finley are practically running around from obstacle to activity, keeping each other very busy indeed. Ariana and Ruby were fantastic together today, finding lots of things in common. Ruby really has developed a wonderful confidence which is evident in her explorations. Thomas is also doing great, settling in gently to our different routine. As our youngest in the room it is important that he feel safe and secure as this will allow him to develop the relationships with his new friends. But of course the news of the day is our young Noah’s 1st birthday today. He can now easily pull himself up to standing and is now balancing on his own independently. Fabulous milestone!

I look forward to tomorrow.