Jingeri families,

An excellent Tuesday today, with a full room of young friends negotiating the dynamics of a whole new chapter of their lives. I am so pleased with the progress we have all made together,

Ariana, Ruby, Ivy, Noah, Finley, Max, Emmett, Cameron and Thomas came in for another session of active and involved learning. The children are all doing so well, and the newer friends are settling in too. There is such a range of emotions that each individual has to work through and process before all these new faces and routines become familiar, and it is natural and normal. They are just small humans, after all. Well done also to all the amazing parents who are handling the transition so bravely. It is big, and I am grateful for your patience and co-operation while we ease these beautiful little creatures through this phase of change. You are doing great!

Everyone was busy everywhere today. It was oppressively hot outside, so we spent more time in our cool indoor space relaxing together. This meant we all got to sing songs and read lots of books while we cuddled on the cushions. We played with the animals, and the vehicles, as well as the blocks and puzzles. A busy day of growing and learning as a group.

I look forward to tomorrow.