07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Good Afternoon lovely families,

Today we welcomed Olive, Valencia, and Bella-Rose to Babies two today. it was a wonderful sunny day so to start the day we explored the yard. We had some fun on the slides and 3D shapes whilst also practicing our balancing on the bridge which wad fun. Before having morning tea, we all washed our hands and started to push our chairs to the table. We had some yummy yogurt with fruit for morning tea.  once finishing morning tea, we explored the room.

We played with sensory bottles, blocks, puzzles, and home corner. We all enjoyed play inside but it was time to adventure off outside and explore water play. While in the water we had boats, buckets, and sea animals to play with. this encouraged us to use our sensory skills during this time. We also expressed our emotions with the water as we splashed the water. We all enjoyed the water play it was lots of fun.

We encourage all families to bring in a family photo as we can add this photo to the family tree which will be displayed in the room.

Much love Miss Hansani and Miss Jess 😊