Good afternoon families!!
Welcome to babies two ♥
This morning Miss Hansani and Miss Tatiane welcomed Scotties, Daisy, Chester, Oskar, Tommy and Loki. We started our day exploring outdoor experiences as usual. Daisy and Oskar absolutely loved playing in the sand pit and push the excavators on the sand. Loki joined with Oskar to fill the sand into the baskets and put them on the trucks and push on the grass. Loki came to Miss Hansani saying ‘’Truck Truck’’… Tommy was so excited to sit on the book area and show his balancing skills. While he was sitting on the mat, he enjoyed looking at the big pictures on the books. Tommy did not forget to do some tummy time on his favourite lion mat outside. Scottie was sitting next to Tommy this morning, so Chester decided to have a chat with Scottie. He sat next to Scottie and looked at Miss Hansani saying ‘’’’. Miss Hansani replied, That’s Scottie Chester, would you like to play with Scottie. Chester fund a little truck that we set up on the transport mat and offered Scottie saying ‘’Ta’’.. Then Chester continued playing with the trucks and cars buy pushing them on the soft blocks and on the grass. For morning tea, children enjoyed yoghurt, strawberry puree and some bananas. Everyone enjoyed their morning tea sitting at the table nicely.
For the group time Miss Tatiane read a book called ‘’By the Sea’’. Miss Tatiane turned the pages one by one and showed each animal to children and encouraged children to say their names. Also, she explained the way they make sounds and where they live and the colours of each sea animal. The animals Miss Tatiane explained were jellyfish, octopus, Fish, Sea horse, Starfish, Dolphin, whale, turtle and crab’’. Chester and Loki enjoyed repeating the words that they heard such as ‘’Turtle, Fish, Star, Whale and Jellyfish’’. Miss Tatiane showed the children the way crabs use their hands to grab something and Chester loved showing his fingers like a little crab.
As an extension for the story time, we decided to encourage children with engaging an art experience related to the story. So, Miss Tatiane set up the table with paint brushes, purple and green colours and shredded shiny papers. We let the children to have a look at the book and use their own imagination to create a beautiful painting inspired by the colours of the ocean. We offered children with blue colour papers and let them use paint brushes and their hands to spread and mix the two colours all over the paper. As the last step of this experience children sticked the shredded papers on the paper as the sea plants. For lunch, we enjoyed yummy pizza scrolls along with a salad bar.
For one-on-one time, Scottie played with the sensory wooden blocks, and she enjoyed touching the different surfaces. Tommy practiced some gross motor skills by throwing a ball and trying to reach the ball after throwing. Chester and Loki practiced more words that we commonly use during the day such as ‘’ Thank you, Water, Please, Yes, No, Nappy, Outside, hat’’. Daisy engaged with stacking her favourite turtles while Oskar was trying to solve the unicorn puzzle.
We have put up the daily blog, daily programming and daily pictures up on the wall just before where we enter to the babies room. Miss Jess has created a book called babies two memories with photos of special experiences that we engaged with. Miss Hansani and Miss Tatiane will continue the book. Parents can have a look at the book any time, it will be displayed on the parents hub just before you enter to the room. Please pack some clothes for warm weather as it can get really warm in the afternoon now. Remind – Please fill the bottle receipt on the front desk for each day.
Children enjoyed both indoor and outdoor experiences. Specially they enjoyed the art experience as the children could freely use their creativity. The older children enjoyed practicing new words and engage with the challenging experiences outside while our little babies practice crawling and enjoy having one on one time inside.
Much love Miss Hansani and Miss Tatiane…