Good afternoon Families!
Welcome to babies two!
This morning Miss Tatiane and Miss Denise welcomed Oskar, Braxton, Indiana, Tommy, Forrest and Austin with lots of cuddles. We started our day exploring outdoor experiences as usual! Indiana, Forrest and Oskar enjoyed pushing the pram and mowers all around the yard. Tommy loved the colourful fish book; he was sat on the big mat outside playing with the little doll and smiling with all his friends around. Braxton just loved the animal puzzle, Miss Tatiane helped him as he used the trial and error method to fit the animals into the correct space. Miss Tatiane asked ‘what sound does a dog make?’, he was excited when Miss Tatiane began barking. He also loves the rainbow rings and demonstrated his hand/eye coordination by placing them one by one on the stick! Indiana, Austin and Forrest enjoyed playing with the rainbow rings too! they all were focused on putting the rings on top and watched them spinning! Forrest played in home corner this morning and he comes to Miss Tatiane with a apple in his hand and said ‘ apple, apple’ and he pretended that he was eating. For morning tea, we enjoyed avocado chocolate slices.
For the story time we read a story called ‘’Playful pups’’ – Touch and Feel book. This was a book of opposites! Miss Tatiane turned the pages one by one and show to them with dog is big and with dog is small, with one is long and with one is short. She also explained the scenario and the pictures. At the end of the story Miss Tatiane let the children to have a look at the book by encouraging them to turn the pages by themselves and feel and touch the pups fur.
Today we talked about the Purple colour! We show to them a paper with a purple shape to introduce the activity. We also set up a bow with all things that we had in the room that was purple. We put feather, soft toys, flowers shape, piece of rainbow, a little house, and an eggplant. After they played with all purple thing, each one received a brush to do a beautiful art using a purple colour! This was such a great opportunity to learn about the colour and everything that we have that is purple. For lunch, we enjoyed a delicious lasagne. For afternoon tea, we will be enjoying sweet pea and smash avocado dip with pita crisps.
We practice our self-help skills by using forks and spoons for mealtime to feed ourselves, put the hats on, find the drink bottles and wash our hands. Our new goal is encouraging children to put their dishes, bibs and drink bottles away in the baskets after mealtime. We encourage children to find their own cot now. We encourage older children to walk to the bathroom and use the stairs to reach to the changing mat and wash their hands after changing nappies by themselves. For one-on-one time, Tommy was encouraged to hold his milk bottle by himself. Miss Tatiane encouraged Tommy to use his both hands to hold his bottle. Tommy was very confident holding his bottle himself and he didn’t let it go until he finished the whole bottle.
Remind – Please fill the bottle receipt on the front desk for each day.
Much Love Miss Tatiane and Miss Denise